
How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Face of Home-Based Business Ventures

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Face of Home-Based Business Ventures
How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Face of Home-Based Business Ventures
Artificial Intelligence

When most of us envision artificial intelligence (AI) we envision the film of the same name that was released in the early 2000’s. Some of us might even recall the HAL 9000 voice from 2001.  Of course, these were nothing more than works of vision although they were quite convincing at the time.

While computers are far from becoming self-aware, the fact of the matter is that artificial intelligence has already become an indelible part of our daily lives.  Smart home entertainment systems, dedicated mobile phone apps, Amazon Alexa, and auto-complete fields when performing a simple Google search are all examples are AI.

There is no doubt that this technology is here to stay. The main question is how those who operate home-based businesses might be impacted in the coming year.  Let’s take a quick look at some interesting predictions and why these methods could very well change the face of online retail sales.

The Notion of Augmented Reality and Its Increased Presence:

We first need to make a note that AI and augmented reality (AR) are rather different in terms of what they are meant to accomplish.  Artificial intelligence consists of a series of algorithms designed by humans to enhance the experience of an end user.  Common examples include “smart chatbots” and predictive programs to target a customer based off of his or her past purchases.   Augmented reality is much more involved with how traditionally static images are displayed.

AR allows users to obtain a three-dimensional view of a specific product (such as a bicycle or a complicated piece of machinery).  Being able to achieve this type of visual walkthrough is often essential during the buying process; particularly when referring to discerning customers.

Early examples of this technology include the option to zoom in on the portion of an item (first seen on larger portals such as eBay and Amazon) as well as 3D tours of a virtual apartment before committing to a rental agreement. It is interesting to note that the best home-based business ventures will soon be able to leverage the very same benefits associated with these systems.

Not only will AR provide users with a greater knowledge base when deciding whether or not to purchase a specific item, but incidences when a product is returned will be dramatically decreased. Perhaps more critically, the adoption of this technology signals that the retail portal in question is keen to cater to the needs of its client base through the use of cutting-edge digital concepts; very important when referring to brand presence and identity.

How is AI Changing the Game?

Now that we have examined the potential impact of AR, we will move on to take a look at the low-key (and yet essential) role of artificial intelligence. Many analysts point out that its presence will most likely be witnessed in the evolution of the humble chatbot.

In the past, these widgets were simply meant to supplement sections within a website such as frequently asked questions.  Complicated queries would normally be routed to a human representative.  While effective at the time, bottlenecks would occur during times of heavy inbound traffic and the solutions provided were not always accurate.

We are now witnessing AI take on what can only be called a rather human level of intelligence (up to a point).  Highly advanced algorithms mimic the answers of a real-life representative, so common issues can be dealt with in a timely fashion.

However, we should still point out that this type of AI is not meant to remove humans from the equation. It is rather intended to supplement their efforts while providing the end user with a more targeted experience.

AI can also be seen in several other retail-related systems. One common form is its presence when dealing with automated emails and targeted marketing campaigns. No longer will “blanket” approaches and generic messages be required.

AI is able to collate and interpret big data to the point where it can understand the habits of specific customers.  It will therefore present them with only the most relevant information as opposed to spam.  Marketing campaigns will be much more discrete in regards to their scope and your efforts will not be wasted on those who have little interest for what you have to offer.

The observations mentioned throughout this article should still be tempered with a slight dose of reality. The evolution of AR and AI will not take place overnight.  It is more likely that home-based businesses will see a slow and predictable integration into their current systems.

Still, such protocols will provide you with yet another edge to tap into a lucrative online retail environment. This is why it is worthwhile to work with the latest e-commerce providers such as Shopify and Oberlo, as they always strive to remain one step ahead of the competition.

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How Will AI Disrupt Healthcare in 2019? 5 Steps that will escalate your career

The post How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Face of Home-Based Business Ventures appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Reasons To Have Tablet in the Classroom

Tablets can have a very positive impact in the classroom and be highly beneficial. Here are a number of ways they can be used by educators.

1. Watch 360-Degree Videos

360 videos are centered on the spectator making it possible to see the surrounding environment from any direction. They are a basic form of virtual reality.

Although 360-degree videos are mainly designed for VR headsets, you can still access and watch them on mobile devices and browsers. You can launch a 360 – degree video in YouTube apps and Facebook, where children can watch them on their tablets.

To view the content from various angles, all one needs to do is tilt the tablet to see the intended scene. 360-degree videos provide an interactive way to explore anything from underwater shipwrecks to distance countries.

You can check out Discovery Channel’s YouTube Channel for lots of educational content and more.

2. Improve Photo-Taking Skills

The iOS and Android Camera apps provide a simple and interactive way to record anything from a class art show to a field trip in the garden. There are also photo apps that allow you to add stickers on top of images, as well as stitch pictures together.

One of the best apps for children out there is Pic Collage for kids. Another excellent example of such apps is PicLab which enables you to add text, filters, and other effects to photos. These apps can help your child build his/her photography skills.

3. Make Music

Even professionals use tablets to make music. All you need is the right app to be able to make music using your tablet. Tablets are particularly useful in that; they have a larger screen when compared to the relatively small smartphone screens.

The music-making apps enable one to do almost anything ranging from adding special effects to existing music tracks to composing music note by note from scratch. Caustic 3 (Android and iOS) are worth a look for this purpose.

These apps can help nurture the kid’s creativity in music as he/she realizes him/herself.  You can also venture deeply into the app world to find more specialized apps for creating music, and particularly for young children.

4. Record Podcasts and Radio Shows

A tablet can not only be used to make music but also record it as well. There are lots of apps on the market that make this possible – these are available in both paid and free versions.

The Professional tool (IOS at $39.99) and the rather Spartan (Android) are good examples of music recording apps you can start off with.

While you can still take advantage of the rather basic recording apps on your tablet, premium apps offer additional features and much higher performance hence recommended.

5. Make Interactive and Immersive Notes

The native Notes App in iOS 9 comes with powerful features that enable one to take individual notes, has additional formatting controls, photo and link integration, miniature maps, and sketches that make it possible for children to create notes with ease.

Notes can also be a handy tool for children during field trips, when conducting research, and when they need to mix text with different media.

6. Find Help

People can now be tutored via a tablet. You can advise parents if they want help to go down this route. So, when they type “gcse tutors near me” into Google, the tutor may be a distance away but still able to teach via a tablet in the comfort of their own home.

7. Add Improved Realism to The Real World

There are plenty of Aurasma Apps for both the iOS and Android that enable children to add improved realism to real-world objects in the form of digital graphics, doorways, and posters.

While it may sound somewhat complicated, these apps make the process relatively easy.  Aurasma apps work together with the tablet’s camera to take targeted post-it notes and classroom displays.  With this app, you can launch videos and photos as well as interactive charts and graphs.

8. To Start a Class Blog

Starting a blog from scratch on a browser can be confusing for many. Kids apps however make the process more straightforward and easier. All he/she needs to do is tap on his/her picture to log into the blog.

This also makes sharing devices easy. Kids can combine text, images, and video into a live blog post with just a few taps. These apps make publishing on the web easy as well. Older students can however use more complicated apps with extra capabilities.

There are plenty of apps for both Android and iOS devices that children can take advantage of to create/start classroom blogs. Some of these apps enable to you get an overview of the blog before allowing it to go live.

9. Test Your Kids with Google Now and Siri

New tablets come with Google Now, or Siri enabled.  These digital assistants respond to voice commands and can help you find almost anything online.

These smart apps can be used to help answer questions and solve quizzes with ease. Children can use these apps to test their knowledge on various topics and subjects. You can ask the digital assistants any question and be sure to get the correct answer in under a second.

Siri and Google Now are capable of answering both simple and complex questions, hence can be handy tools for learners.

10. Get to See the World

Tablets make it possible to take a virtual tour of the world without leaving your chair. Apple’s Maps (iOS) and Google Maps include detailed 3D-flyover for most cities in the world.

This allows you to hover around towns and even get a street view for a much better look. Google Earth will enable children to see landmarks of the planet and its contours thus enabling them to understand much better.

It even provides overlay nuggets thanks to information provided by Wikipedia.

The post Reasons To Have Tablet in the Classroom appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

How to Download Cartoon HD for iOS?
Cartoon HD iOS

Technology has made it entirely easy to watch your favorite TV programs, movies, cartoon videos, and other videos as well in a smaller package, i.e., Smartphone. It is one of the best platforms that have made it entirely natural to stream online movies and shows for free. It is one of the best presents for all those who are looking for perfect apps for watching unlimited movies on their iOS devices.

Download Cartoon HD from : https://get-cartoonhd.com/

You now don’t need to sit in front of your TV set for watching your favorite programs, enjoy the extreme experience of watching your favorite programs on your iOS devices. The best part here is that you don’t need to pay anything for that here. It is a free app that offers you the facility of streaming unlimited data just by using your internet connection.

A fast internet connection is must to need downloading and accessing this beautiful app on your iOS. Seamless, safe and secure access over a wide range of data is one of the must have a facility that every user look forward while installing one on their device and Cartoon HD is the name where you can get all of these embedded in it.

Features of Cartoon HD

Cartoon HD is a revolutionary app that has made streaming online movies and TV shows easy. Unlike on other favorite movie streaming apps, you don’t need to pay any charges here. The video quality this fantastic streaming platform offers is also admirable. Some of the notable features of this beautiful application are:

You don’t need to have to pay any charges for streaming unlimited movies and TV shows. It also offers you the facility of downloading your desired contents as well. The app offers you the freedom of choice upon your desired resolution from the provided ones and hence saves a lot of your internet data as well. Cartoon HD makes it also easy to watch movies and TV shows offline as well. You can now easily stream your favorite TV programs, cartoon channels and movies from a vast and well-managed library. The app size is quite small, and hence you don’t need to worry about the storage space here. You don’t need to register for accessing this app. Just download it from a trusted online source and have free and fast access over a vast range of data. The video quality Cartoon HD also offers admirable. You are free to switch on your desired video modes just by making a few clicks. How to download Cartoon HD on iOS?

Cartoon HD comes up with a very user-friendly interface that everyone can easily use and handle. You need to follow some instructions, and you will be there at the extreme of entertainment. The installation process of Cartoon HD is a few steps process, where all you need to do is:

Search and download the option of Cartoon HD IPA file online. Once done, go to the General Settings option on your iOS device and then jump upon the choice of Date and Time Settings. Change the Date to Jan 1, 2014. Locate the downloaded IPA file on your device and then tap on it to allow the installation process. A prompt message will appear on your screen asking you whether the app is trusted or not. Just tap on the Trust option to allow the installation process. Once done, tap on the app icon to allow seamless streaming on a wide range of data, Conclusion

Now enjoy the experience of working with one of the most fantastic video streaming apps on your iOS device. We have tried to provide here about all the related information to Cartoon HD along with its installation procedure on the iOS device as well so that you can better access it seamlessly on your device.

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The post How to Download Cartoon HD for iOS? appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Autism Parenting – Everything you need to support your family
Autism Parenting

Autism is a multifaceted disability. Unlike other disorders that have clear causes and effective treatments, autism is a disorder of unknown origins. Raising a developmentally different child is a challenge for most parents. For parents to be effective in guiding the growth of their child, they first need to prepare themselves to be emotionally and mentally strong. Check out more about Autism Parenting.

If you have recently learned that your child has autism disorder you are probably wondering what happens next. You may not be certain about how to provide the best help to your child. But being strong allows you to be the best parent that you can be to the child.

Rather than focusing on how your child is different from others you need to focus on practicing acceptance. Figure out what triggers your child’s challenging behavior or what procures a positive response.

Find out what gives your child pleasure or what turns them off. Even if they do not have a response, it indicates as a response.  Learn to adapt yourself to your child’s changing moods. The more you know about autism disorder, the more you will be equipped to make proper decisions for your child.

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) tend to do best when they have a structured scheduled routine. Manage a space in your home where your child can relax and be safe.

Most children with autism have special interests. Sometimes making use of that interest is a positive way of achieving persistent engagement with your child. Encouraging the child’s interest can provide the child with a sense of being valued.


Whenever possible use visual cues. Many children with special needs have problems with sequencing verbal cues. If you approach your child in a manner that is too difficult for him/her to understand they may become frustrated and feel like you do not understand how they function.

Make sure you have your child’s attention before you speak. Talk to them at their own developmental level. Keep your word language simple and make sure to use the same words when you speak to them. You may gradually reduce usage of visual cues when you feel that your child does not need them anymore.

Many children with autism disorder have delays in response. You need to wait for a reaction before repeating your instructions over and over. It takes a longer time for their brains to register a command and then react appropriately.

If your child has a processing delay working through the instruction you gave him, it hinders eventually when you repeat your commands for the second or third time. This may leave your child confused or he/she may shut down.

The wait time is usually 30 seconds for children with autism for you to deliver your command and wait for a response. Most often if you wait, your child responds appropriately, which thereafter you praise them giving them a sense of achievement.

Make Time for Activities

Schedule activities when your child is most awake and energetic. Learn and enduring ways to have fun together. There is more to your child’s life than therapy. You need to learn and know when your child is happy, or laughs, or opens up out of his shell.

Playing is an important part of the journey and an autism affected child does not need to feel like it is work. Your child should enjoy your company from activities that do not feel like they are educational or therapeutic but which help them either way.

Everyday Activities

Not only play and fun time but make sure you take your child out for grocery shopping or errands like a post office run. Their behaviour is sure unpredictable but taking them out for such errands helps them get used to the world around them.

As an autism parenting concerns, you need to have answers to these basic questions

What does your child enjoy?

What are the problem causing elements or behaviors?

What are your child’s strengths? And

How does my child learn best?

Kids who Wander

Elopement is a frightening problem amongst autistic children. Nearly half the children who suffer from autism have a tendency to wander away from their safe zone.

More than half of the kids suffering from autism are recorded to go missing or have found themselves in danger due to the disorder. The good news though for parents worrying about this problem is GPS tracking for children.

You always have comfort or peace of mind that comes knowing that you have this service or solution at hand. These devices are not meant to invade your child’s privacy but to help keep them safe.

The GPS market is booming as trackers for kids are growing more popular. There are many reasons you would want to use a GPS tracker for your kids. The few ways that GPS tracking may help you are:

Whenever you are sleeping or distracted and your child wanders off you get an alert when your child moves out of the designated perimeter. This helps you to prevent or keep your child from wandering far out of sight. You know exactly when your child has stepped out or gone too far off limits and it gives you the live tracking information immediately. Depending on the device you purchase the location can be highly specific. You are equipped to track your child in real time so that they can be retrieved quickly. In worst case scenarios if your child is in danger you have a handy option to alert the safety personnel to come to the aid of your child. A few GPS trackers also help you to hear about what is happening around their surroundings. The GPS device helps you to see your child’s daily timeline at a glance.

Fear is a common and a constant companion for parents having kids suffering from the autism spectrum disorder. Nothing can stop a child from wandering but being aware and taking every precaution available can prevent from further tragedies that may occur.

GPS tracking is a sort of relief from some of the parents who face these problems on a daily basis.

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The post Autism Parenting – Everything you need to support your family appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

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