
Is a Cheap Android Really Worth It?

Is a Cheap Android Really Worth It?

Finances are always a factor when buying anything, and mobiles are no exceptions. And whilst top-end flagship phones are going for close to 600,000 nowadays, there are plenty of budget options available. In fact, there are more budget Androids than ever on shelves, some for as low as 20,000. The real question though is whether those cheap Androids are worth it, so let’s take a look…

It’s Cheap for a Reason

Let’s start with the basic truth: a cheap Android is cheap for a reason. That reason might not necessarily be a bad reason, but it’s there. No matter what you might think from spec sheets, reviews, or advertising, a cheap Android is NOT going to offer you a comparable user experience to something more expensive. However, you might not be looking for a flagship user experience. There are really two things that make a cheap Android cheap.

Reason 1: Hardware

The primary reason for that cheap price tag is going to be hardware. Manufacturing costs have to be cut in order to keep consumer prices low, and downgrading hardware is the easiest way to do this. A cheap Android will likely have lower processing and chip specs (meaning less power), lower display specs (meaning less clarity in the screen), and less special features (such as great cameras, tons of internal memory, that kind of thing).

Lower hardware specs aren’t necessarily a dealbreaker though. In all honesty, the kind of top end specs that you’re getting on a flagship phone is far more than most regular users will need, so sacrificing on these a little to get a lower price doesn’t have to be negative.

Reason 2: Long-Term Reliability

The secondary reason there might be more important, however, and that’s one of reliability. First up, cheap Androids are generally not as robust as their more expensive brethren. This can mean that they break easily, casings crack, screens shatter, they just don’t survive everyday life as well as pricier models.

But more importantly, cheaper Androids can suffer in the update department. Phone updates are important. An update gives you more security, allows you to use the latest apps, and basically keeps things running smoothly on your phone. But a lower priced phone (especially if it’s an older model) may only support updates for a limited amount of time. This makes the mobile’s long-term outlook pretty bleak.

You know the saying ‘you get what you pay for’? In terms of long-term reliability, this is certainly true. So if you’re looking for a phone that’s going to last you a while, then a low price Android might not be the best decision.

So What Do I Look For?

Going low price isn’t always a bad thing, and if you’re on a budget, then, by all means, go for a low priced Android. But you do need to shop a little more carefully than those people who opt for flagship models.

The first thing you should be looking for is specs. Mediocre specs are fine, but you don’t want to go too low or you’ll risk having a phone that won’t do what you need. Look for processing power that’s more than 1.2 GHz, look for a chipset that’s no more than 3 years old (easy to check on the chip manufacturer’s Wiki), look for a display that’s at least 720p, and look for a bare minimum of 8 GB of internal memory (though 16 GB is much better).

If you’re looking for something that’s reliable, then see what the hand feel is like. Does the phone feel robust in your hand, is it sturdy? Consider investing in a cover and screen protector, just to keep your phone safe. There’s not a lot you can do about updates since that’s outside of your control. But newer phones are more likely to receive updates for a longer period of time, so look at models that are no more than 2 years old. Also, look for the most recent version of Android that you can find (since the newer the Android version is the more likely you are to receive updates on it).

Is It Really Worth It?

It’s tough to say whether a cheap Android is really worth it since that’s really going to depend on your situation and the phone model you choose. But think about the maths. You could spend, say, 360,000 Naira on a top end phone that will last you for a solid five years or so (historically, manufacturers support updates on their top end models for at least five years). Or you could spend 50,000 on a phone that’s going to last you for maybe a year and will then need replacing (which, if you had to do that every year for the five year period that you’d have that top end phone would still end up costing you 400,000, so you’re not getting great savings).

Of course, you might not need to replace that cheap phone every year. But by spending a little more, on a decent mid-range phone, you’ll increase your chances of being able to keep your phone for longer and maintain some resale value. It’s all a matter of risk taking and, frankly, luck.

Bottom Line Time

There is nothing wrong with not opting for an expensive flagship phone. In fact, you’ll probably be better off since most users don’t need all the functions and power of a top end model anyway. But you should know that the cheaper the model you opt for the more likely it is that your new phone isn’t going to last very long.

While there’s nothing wrong with going budget, the safest option is to go for the best phone that you can reasonably afford. Go for the top end of your budget, rather than being tempted by low, low prices. If you can afford 50,000, don’t go for the 30,000 option. There are plenty of decent cheaper Androids on the market, but finding them is a question of doing your research and being prepared to take the risk that you could be buying yet another phone in a few months time.

The post Is a Cheap Android Really Worth It? appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

How to Connect your Smartphone to a Projector?

Projectors are mostly used to watch videos and movies on a big screen, and most of the times these projectors come quite handy for presentations. In short, no matter how advanced we get, we still are going to need a projector at some point in our life, whether as a student or a professional. Now, we are pretty sure that most of you have used laptops so that you can connect them to the projectors and then give presentations but imagine giving a presentation on the projector without carrying a laptop?

We are sure that many of you would love the idea of not carrying something as big as a laptop just for the sake of connecting it to a projector. The alternative? Well, here we are talking about your smartphone which is something we all carry almost all the time everywhere.

You can now easily connect your smartphones with a projector and if you are someone who never knew about it before then stick a little longer because today we are going to tell you all you need to know about how you can connect your phone with your projector.

You see there are different kinds of projectors available in the market and each one of them come with different features and different connectivity options so yes, firstly, it all falls to the projector that you own. And if you are yet to buy one, then we suggest you go for the ones that are branded, like Panasonic or Samsung, etc.

Connect Using An Application

Where there is an application for everything now, there are applications that can help connect your phone to your projector too but again it depends on your projector. We just asked you to buy a branded projector because they all have applications with them. Now, if your projector has an online application then consider your job done here. Download the app and connect your phone to your projector within seconds.

Hard Wired Connections

Every projector supports hard-wired connections but that’s not the case with your Android phones. You see most of the phones do not support HDMI or MHL but maybe you are the lucky one with a phone that supports both or any one of these connectors. However, in both cases you don’t have to worry because you can always buy a MHL adapter or an HDMI cable to connect with your projector.

Use Chromecast

One of the smartest and the quickest way to connect your projector with your phone is to use Chromecast. It is also known as the mobile to projector connector and the best thing about this device is that almost all the phones can work with it. So, yes this can be a good option for you if you want to get rid of the hassle of connecting to your projector.

Use Miracast

You can just cast anything from your phone to your projector using Miracast and the latest Android phones and projectors all come with support for Miracast so yes, it won’t be much of a problem to connect it with your phone. Also, if your phone has no option to connect with Miracast then you can simply buy a mini adapter for direct connection with your projector.

These are a few best ways to make projector connections easier. So, yes if you don’t like carrying your laptop around, then your phone can become your best projector partner.

Reference: https://bestprojectorsnow.com/best-outdoor-projector/

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The post How to Connect your Smartphone to a Projector? appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

5 Types of Content to Drive Social Media Engagement

Social media is a place where many businesses thrive to communicate and sell to their customers. In its early days, it used to be considered a genie. But, as tons of business join every day, getting social media services has become more crucial in its success.

Simply having a social media page is not enough anymore. This especially holds true after the algorithm changes that have been implemented on users’ timelines. When your content is not engaging or relevant enough, chances are, you aren’t going to reach the amount of engagements you would want to. So what kind of content should you be posting? You can try any or all of these:

Relatable content

A good way to catch a viewer’s attention? Make everything about them. People love it when they feel that a post is directed at them or speaks to them on a certain level. They want to show a part of themselves or project a personality to their audience. And if your content meets with them on the same wavelength, then you can easily earn engagements.

With this in mind, you have to be knowledgeable about your target audience’s personality. What type of content would be relatable for them? You don’t want to be targeting the wrong people.

Entertaining content

People are on social media to unwind and be entertained. They wouldn’t go on Facebook or Twitter to read walls of text about rocket science. Otherwise, they would have opened a text book. Appeal to them in this way. Post images and/or images of your products and services. You can also give memes and quote cards a try.

Informational content

Since it’s a place where you can communicate with a vast number of users all over the world, it can be an effective platform to spread information. If you’re a startup or small business and want to spread brand awareness, getting affordable social media services to start your campaign is the best way to start.

Your dedicated content team can make sure that you’re posting informational content without compromising creativity. Infographics and tutorial videos are great examples of these.

Emotional Content

Emotional is a powerful force. You can even convince your audience that they want your product or service. As in, they have to have it right now, at this moment. They didn’t know they needed it before you told them to.

Tying emotion with a certain product can do wonders as a marketing strategy. Like being happy after eating their favorite rice bowl, or getting a facial when they’re stressed. It’s important to always tell a story with your content so it doesn’t seem like they’re consuming passively, but they’d have to interact.

Seasonal Content

Halloween, Christmas, Valentines Day, you name it. Is there any particular special event today? As a social media marketer, you have to be aware and be quick on creating content related to them. Content like these easily gain engagement since they are time-bound, and may only occur once in a long time.

Look at the event or issue in a new or different angle to gather customer insights. You can even ask explicit questions or polls such as what’s their Christmas wish list or their favorite dish in your restaurant, for instance.

Finally, the secret to knowing what kind of content would appeal best to your target audience lies in your analytics. So don’t be afraid to invest in social media marketing to get the best out of your campaigns. Just keep in mind that even though all these kind of content can guarantee you customer engagement, you still have to provide them the opportunity to do so. Don’t post something just for the sake of it, you must have a specific goal. Do you want to get shares, comments, likes, or clicks?

Author Bio: Jessica Madrazo is the Operations Director of Coffeebot, a digital marketing agency that offers SEO services, affordable social media optimization, lead generation, web design and other general virtual assistant services. She has been in the outsourcing industry for years, and has helped small businesses from different parts of the globe reach their goals

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The post 5 Types of Content to Drive Social Media Engagement appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

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