
Jumia’s financial report from Q4 2017 highlights major growth trends

Jumia’s financial report from Q4 2017 highlights major growth trends

Jumia – currently holding the position of the leading online marketplace in African countries – has recently posted its financial results for the last quarter (Q4) of the year 2017 and they are showing no signs of slowing down.

The company has been around for a while now and despite the fact that they had no infrastructure to build on, has managed to establish itself as the go-to e-commerce provider in the country.

One of the biggest highlights of the company’s financial report is their GMV growth which soared by a massive 64.5% in the fourth quarter alone.

Jumia’s financial report from Q4 2017 highlights major growth trends

Comparing these figures with a year on year basis, the company saw a return of 120,2 MEUR in the same timeframe for the year 2016 while their percentages now mean they recorded a bigger 197,9 MEUR. Jumia was quick to be appreciative of everyone making use of their platforms in this growth drive.

Quite frankly, those thanks are due since they could not have made any of these happen without the help of merchants and active participants. It is also worthy of note that in the one-year period from Q4 2016 – 2017, there has been a massive increase in the number of products and services being offered on the platform.

With the eCommerce market generally far from saturation, we can hope for even bigger changes in the future.

Putting our words into numbers, Jumia has grown from a platform that housed just 50,000 products in the year 22012 to one that is now cataloguing no less than 5 million products as at the year-ended 2017.

In that same timeframe, the company recorded over 100 million engagements during its largely successful Black Friday deals sales day. As if that was not enough, they have now been able to introduce their very own payment system (Jumia Pay) to ensure users are able to make complete transactions on their orders seamlessly.

If they stopped there, this resume would still be impressive. However, Jumia went over and beyond in bringing up Jumia One – a service which allowed users access digital transactions such as paying off bills, buying airtime and so much more.

JUmia TableJumia Financial Report Q4 2017 Detailed Table

Handling more than 8 million packages through their logistics department and ready for more, 2018 looks like another good year for the company yet.

The post Jumia’s financial report from Q4 2017 highlights major growth trends appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

How Air Filters Work? And Why You Should Use It

It is a sad reality that in a world where we are ready to spend thousands and millions of dollars on expensive cars and gadgets, we are not ready to spend a few hundred dollars on air purifiers. Even if today you go up to someone and tell them that they should get an air filter, you will get a whole lecture on how it’s a waste of money. But the reality is totally different, you see we together have polluted the world so much that the air in which we breathe is no longer safe for us. The only reason people don’t pay much heed to this topic is because they cannot see the viruses, the dirt and the airborne particles with the naked eye but if someday if you have the chance to see what’s in the air then you might want to stop breathing for a while because yes, it is that dangerous for us. Human beings breathe almost 35 pounds of air every single day, people do take care of what they eat and drink but what about the dirt and the dust that goes inside them due to the polluted air?

Not many think about the air pollution and the purification of air but we think that it’s high time for everyone to pay heed to this matter and start using air purifiers. Now, many people have this misconception about air filters, they think that these products are a waste of money but the reality is totally opposite. Honestly, air filters are totally effective when it comes to the cleansing of the air around you.

Why Would You Need An Air Filter?

The one question that might be popping up in your mind right now would be that why exactly do you need an air filter. Well, the answer is simple, air filters work solely for the purpose of cleaning and purifying the air around you so that you can to breathe healthy and fresh. Now,  to breathe in the fresh and healthy air is something we all humans need so it’s totally wrong to think that only asthma patients or allergic patients should use this product. In fact, air filters are to be used by every single human on the Earth.

Most of the times, we’ve seen people who eat healthy, exercise and don’t even smoke, yet they fall victim to chronic diseases, now that’s probably and mostly because of the air pollution. The airborne particles that are going inside you and your lungs are equally unhealthy for you as junk food is. Eating junk food on regular basis can result into some serious consequences and similarly breathing for so long and continuously in a polluted air can even cause death because you never know how sensitive you are and how weak your immune system is.

In a nutshell, people now need to start realizing that they must have an air filter in their house just like they own their mobile phones and other gadgets. It is the need of the air that we all start promoting healthy breathing and as far as the value of your money is concerned, well, know that the market out there is full of air filters and it’s all on you about how and what you buy. You see before going to the market or buying any product, one should always make some research on it, know and identify your needs and requirements and then make a final decision on what you want. In general, air filters are not at all expensive and you can find them easily at a reasonable price.

So, now, don’t wait for any further and get your hands on a good air purifier right at the moment because we assure you that you won’t regret your decision once you use it.

The post How Air Filters Work? And Why You Should Use It appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Design Fails that are Ruining your Website

A website is the main gateway through which your target audiences get information about your business. But it is commonly seen that a lot of websites fail as far as the design parameters are concerned. If you are having a website that is inappropriately designed then it will definitely affect the search engine ranking in a negative manner. Here you will get a complete idea about the design fails that may be ruining your website. So, be ready to get some useful insight.

These are the topmost design fails that may be affecting your website in a bad way –

Inappropriate font style

If the font size, style, its color theme etc. are not appropriate then the website will surely lose on the design front. The usage of too many fonts should be avoided. The content should look attractive but it also needs to be readable. So, pay attention to the font style of the website.

Failure on the navigation front

A good website is the one that is easy to navigate and all the information is readily available as and when needed. So, if the website is lacking on the usability front then one can say that it is not rightly designed. Thus it should always be the priority to improve the aspect of navigation.

Irrelevant information

Many times it is seen that websites contain irrelevant information that have no relation with its main offerings. Irrelevant information is a big design failure and it will result in decreasing the customer base. So, all the irrelevant information should be skipped from the main design of the website.

A non responsive website structure

A website design should be responsive and if it fails on this front then it is a situation that must be corrected on time. The website should be mobile friendly, should have options to share the information on social media, there should be option for feedback submission, a separate area should be allotted for submitting the queries, if possible the live chat facility should also be embedded. These are the much needed features in 21st century.

The problem of broken links

The problem of broken links or dead links is a big hindrance in website design. It can negatively affect the website functionality and the search engine ranking will deteriorate very badly. So attention should be paid to correct the problem of broken links or dead links. I usually use this tool to identify broken links on my website.

Missing contact details

It is seen that many websites contain incomplete contact details and thus the end users don’t come to know how to contact the source. It is something that should be immediately corrected as otherwise you may lose potential customers.

Use of poor quality or copied images

If there will be poor quality, copied or dull images then it is a big failure on the design front. Images enhance the overall appeal of a website and thus play a great role in attracting the target audiences. Thus right images, with appropriate theme and high quality resolution should be used for your website. If you are not too fond of DIY and don’t want to hire a full time designer, look for online graphics design tools. One of my favorite tool is Canva that takes care of all of my design needs, that too for free.

Excess keyword density

Sometimes the website creators are so obsessed with improving the online ranking that they overstuff the content with lots of keywords. It will create a really negative impression and the content would appear meaningless at times. Thus in order to attract more visitors, the keyword density should be optimized but not exaggerated.

Too much of information on the homepage itself

You must have seen many websites that use all the information on the home page itself. Such a thing is surely a design failure because the visitors will lose all the interest if they have to go through lengthy content. There should be proper sections and right information should be placed in each section.

The disturbing soundtrack

Many websites use a background soundtrack and sometimes it is so inappropriate and disturbing that the end user switches on to some other website. If a sound track is appropriate and subtle then there are no issues but irrelevant soundtracks can ruin a website.

These are some of the main design fails that may be ruining your website. The other reasons for design failure can be like too many call to actions in the website, excess usage of interactive messages, inappropriate logo design, outdated content, improper placement of call to action buttons, moving sliders etc. So, keep these tips in mind and by improvising these areas the website would become drastically better.

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The post Design Fails that are Ruining your Website appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

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