
Different Campaign Plans on Digital Marketing and SEO Process

Different Campaign Plans on Digital Marketing and SEO Process
Different Campaign Plans on Digital Marketing and SEO Process

For every business, there should be a clear strategy and action plan for their marketing. We know that it is hard to stick on to the plans discussed in the beginning. It is normal to face hurdles in a business. But don’t get disheartened by the small hurdles.

One must have a fitting digital strategy execution for the smooth running of their company.  Mere goals are not enough, the ways to achieve these goals must also be planned out. Before discussing what these are, let us look at the benefits of strategy and planning in digital  seo marketing:

You get a clarity about how you are going to achieve your target Lets you implement the right methods to meet with the goals You get an idea about the cost or expenses for the digital marketing campaign.The purpose of any digital marketing plan is to Research about various plans and their significance Articulate the objectives of your digital initiatives Identify the targeting digital personas Methodically choose the channels (or medium) through which to obtain the greatest outcomes.Here we will discuss the different elements or campaign plans for a successful digital marketing and the benefits of using them in your business. Each of these digital marketing campaigns plays a very significant role in your business. Importance Aspects of Digital Marketing Campaign 1. Search Engine Ranking

If you wish to be successful in your digital marketing plan and wants to persist for a long period, then you must be conscious about search engine ranking. The users must be able to find your website easily. To make your website “findable”, you must follow some strategies apart from good content.

Keyword research is one of the most fundamental aspects of digital marketing. Providing the right keywords enable the search engines to find your website and rank it accordingly.

2. Interactivity with the users

In order to establish a trust among your users, you must be interacting well with them. Try to build a community around your brand and content. Customer interactions help in marketing. Make communication with your customers a priority. This would create a good image of your company among the users. Send email newsletters to stay in touch with the consumers.

3. Accessibility

A user-friendly website with interesting and engaging content will attract more users. The user experience is of most importance in digital marketing. An easily navigating site makes the users feel comfortable and welcomed. Incorporating the right navigation techniques also increases the website traffic.

Make websites that can be accessed through any device. A mobile responsive website is suggested to include the ever increasing population of mobile consumers. Speeding your site can also impact significantly in increasing your revenues. Don’t stuff up with keywords.

4. Informative

Make sure you reach out to the public with the right, reliable content. The statement ‘content is king’ is altered to ‘quality content is king’. Ensure that the information you provide is quite helpful to your target audience. Unique and fresh content with the right keyword index enables better ranking.

Different Types of Campaign Plans on Digital Marketing 1. Social Media Marketing campaigns

The number of people indulging in social media platforms is increasing day-by-day. Therefore, you must take the full advantage of social media to engage your brand and build credibility among the netizens.

The salient features of Social Media Marketing are:

Run focused campaigns Demographically applicable platform Engage with a larger audience Monitor audience through discussions on social media

Use attractive and engaging multimedia contents like images and video to grab the attention of people on social media. Be consistent with the content updations. If the posting is not regular on your social media platform then there are chances for reducing your reach.

2. Email Campaigns

Though one might be considering the emails as a traditional form of communication, they have been time and again been proved as potential marketing tools. Many marketers run high-quality email campaigns for strong lead generation, sales, and enduring relationships with customers.

Email campaigns help digital marketing in the following ways:

Build and maintain brand loyalty Convert users into customers In refined targeting Stay in touch with the buyers 3. Content Marketing Campaign

Content is an integral part of the digital marketing campaigns. The information displayed on your website determines the authority of your site. Content marketing is a strategic marketing method which focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent material designed to attract, retain, and ultimately drive a customer to a profitable action. Employing good content marketing campaigns allow in attracting the right audience to your site.

Types of content marketing consist of

Blogging Podcasts
●  Vodcasts
●  Infographics
●  Interviews
●  Whitepapers 4. Video Marketing

People have become impatient with the advance of newer and faster technologies. They want everything done fast. So the current trends of marketing involve videos for conveying the messages easily with fewer words.

5. Search Engine Optimisation Campaign

SEO campaign refers to using tools that help in ranking your websites higher on the search engines. This can be considered the most important part of digital marketing. SEO involves using or providing keywords to your site to make it easy for search engines to find it. If your site exhibits high-quality content but doesn’t handle the keywords properly, then it would turn it into an utter failure.

To make your work easier, there are various tools available online for keyword research and in optimizing the content.

How to employ an effective SEO Strategy? Create an SEO strategy Attract high-value visitors- SEO is not just about grabbing high traffic, rather it is about focusing in terms of demographics Optimizing websites for mobile browsers is critical if you want to rank well in search engine results pages. Have a sole intention and single emotive CTA ( call to action). Concentrate on using SEO to translate into conversions, revenue, and profits Monitor your ranking on search engines Final Words

All this being said, now let us look at how SEO benefits the business online. When your pages become discoverable to the customers it, in turn, increase the traffic to your site. This would then help in obtaining high revenues. It also enables you to dominate over your competitors. Finally, search engine optimization will ensure successful digital marketing of your business.

Article contributed by Hari babu from TechAriz!

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Social media + Surveys: The Ultimate Combination for Customer Satisfaction
Social Media Marketing

Customer satisfaction results from a variety of factors such as brand reliability, employee response, billing accuracy, competitive pricing, quick service, and so on. However, with the growing popularity of social media, it has become increasingly difficult to determine the key factors that influence the user experience of online customers.

Understanding how users interact with content on social media and engage with it actively can help organizations understand their customers’ behavior, interests, and preferences. This information can help organizations tailor their online presence on diverse social media platforms in a manner that generates the highest engagement from their customers.

Apart from studying customer engagement habits online, organizations can create surveys using customer survey templates and conduct them; gaining a highly comprehensive and accurate measurement of customer satisfaction. Conducting surveys using a survey software is not only a great way to engage customers but also an effective means to get feedback on brand image, quality of the product or service, and ways to improve a business.

Here are some of the reasons why social media and surveys can serve as the ultimate combination for customer satisfaction.

Higher Customer Engagement

Interactive social media content such as videos, polls, product images, infographics, blog posts, and giveaways are a great way to improve customer engagement with the brand. Social media giveaways and online polls provide customers with a chance to participate in activities sponsored by the brand. Such interactions are priceless in terms of establishing an emotional connection with the brand.

Furthermore, the frequency of posts that customers are exposed to on a daily basis can also influence their perspective. For example, a brand that posts three times a day and utilizes functionalities such as the story status on platforms including Facebook is much more likely to gain the attention of its audiences than its competitors.

Similarly, using a survey is a great way to show your customers that you care about their feedback and opinion. Survey software consisting of different templates has made it easier to gain instant customer feedback. You can now use a survey maker to create feedback questionnaires that provide customers with a chance to share their opinions. Based on this feedback, you can improve the business process and offer better customer experience.

Customer Loyalty

Social media is a great way to foster customer loyalty as it allows your customers to engage with your brand and become a part of the decision-making process. For example, a brand might organize a poll on their social media profile asking customers to choose between two different ad posters. Once the poll results are in, they can use the poster selected by the maximum number of customers to advertise their product. This sort of social media strategy conveys the message that the customers are a valuable member of the brand and their contributions matter to the success of the company.

Surveys play a similar role in terms of identifying customers who can contribute to a brand’s decision-making process. Any positive follow-up actions based on the survey indicate that the concerns, suggestions, and issues raised by the customers are being heard. Additionally, survey makers have the capability to alert the brand, for instance, when customer satisfaction rate drops below a certain benchmark, thereby providing the brand a chance to do course correction accordingly.

Customer-Centric Approach

Using social media and surveys enables a business to adopt a more customer-centric approach. When developing a social media marketing strategy, the brand automatically shifts its attention from the product to the customer and rethinks its objectives. This shift in perspective is crucial especially when deciding how to orient a brand. Brands that value the opinions of their customers are more likely to succeed primarily because they put themselves in the shoes of their target audience and see the world from their perspective, instead of focusing on their products and/or services alone.

Brands may have the most amazing products on the market and still perform poorly. One major reason for this is the lack of customer engagement and a failure to understand consumer psychology. Having the best products on the market does not ensure brand loyalty. Developing brand loyalty requires a business to invest its time, money, and energy into understanding its customers, and surveys and social media engagement are a great way to kick start the process.

Final Thoughts

The growing popularity of social media and online survey software have made it significantly easier for brands to understand their target audience better. In recent years, social media marketing and social media engagement have gained a great deal of attention, and there are two reasons for this. First, social media platforms have the power to convey a brand’s message directly to the audience. Features such as Facebook Ads and Instagram-sponsored posts are classic examples. Brands can reach their audience using demographics and target only those individuals who are more likely to respond.

Secondly, social media and online surveys are the most affordable and effective means of interacting with your customers and getting to know them better. Customer engagement can be improved by gaining feedback via surveys, and this information could be used to orient the brand in an effective manner.

Author Bio

Angela White

Angela White is an ed-tech enthusiast with a passion for writing for the consumer market in the areas of product research and marketing using elearning softwares. Having a knack for writing and an editorial mindset, she has been writing for ProProfs: a brand that’s known for creating delightfully smart tools such as survey maker.Get in touch with her here:Twitter Linkedin.

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The post Social media + Surveys: The Ultimate Combination for Customer Satisfaction appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

The Rise of Mobile App AR
The Rise Of Mobile App AR

Apple CEO Tim Cook believes that the impact of AR could be as big as the iPhone’s. Heather Bellini of Goldman Sachs Research says that it has the potential to change how we interact with almost everything, and that by 2025, she expects it to be an $80 billion dollar industry — as big as the desktop PC market is today.

Consumers can see it making waves in real estate, fashion, and retail, and it’s already starting to change the way we shop for just about everything. There’s little debate: while it may have once seemed like something straight out of the Jetsons, innovations in augmented reality represent new opportunities for businesses in any industry, and app designers like Guaraná Technologies are helping businesses design the perfect AR app to better connect with potential customers.

Augmented reality, or AR, refers to an interactive experience wherein digital technology is used to enhance a real-world physical environment by providing additional perceptual details or information.

Now that we all seem to carry smartphones in our pockets, AR is more accessible than ever before, and companies are jumping at the chance to engage potential consumers in a new way.

There are few experiences more frustrating than buying furniture, only to learn that it doesn’t quite fit or match the room the way you had expected. The trip to the store, the loading and unloading, and then the inevitable journey to return what you’d bought are sure to leave a bad taste in any consumer’s mouth. How to improve the customer journey is a top question among retailers.

IKEA Place

The Rise Of Mobile App AR

For IKEA, the answer was to create Place, a smartphone app that provides true-to-scale, 3D models of their furniture that you can test in the rooms of your home or office. Simply download the free app, hold your phone at waist level in the desired room, and select the furniture that interests you—instantly, and without any frustrating trips across the city, you can decide whether the piece you’re looking at is right for you.

And once you’ve decided, the Place app even makes purchasing easy: you can buy your desired items right in the app itself.

L’Oréal Makeup Genius

L’Oréal, meanwhile, recognized a different problem: with so many different shades, colours, and products to choose from, and they wanted to create a convenient way for potential consumers to test their products from the comfort of their own homes.

The potential benefits, as Forbes notes, were huge, and increased e-commerce sales among a whole new segment of younger shoppers who they hoped would become dedicated consumers once they had easier access to L’Oréal’s products. With all that in mind, L’Oréal launched the Makeup Genius app.

Makeup Genius turns a user’s phone into an AR mirror using facial mapping, allowing them to test different products and shades on their face in real time. They can choose to test looks curated by expert make-up artists, or just experiment on their own.

If they like a look, Makeup Genius allows users to share it on social media, such as Instagram or Facebook, providing L’Oréal with much-coveted exposure. And if they think a product is really right for them, users also have the option to buy products in the app itself.

Finding the right Developer

If you have a great way to connect with users through an AR app, but are unsure of how to get the process shared, you should find an app developer with a team agile enough to respond to suggestions dynamically, ensuring that the whole design process is streamlined and that you — as the client — are involved in every step, ensuring no surprises along the way!

Lots of things can go wrong in mobile app development: from internal conflicts between developers, architects, and designers, to issues with quality assurance, with general product ideation, or tension with the brand owners.

But firms like Guaraná Technologies manage to avoid all of these problems through the institution of a rigorous and repeatable process that ensures that each unique project is totally successful — thanks in part to their democratization of the whole process.

As a business owner, you’re included in every iterative step in the design process, which means you’ll get the perfect AR app you’re looking for the first time around.

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The post The Rise of Mobile App AR appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

How to Make Text Fancy and Cool
Make Text Fancy and Cool

There is always the issue with the people these days that how to make their text look fancy and cool, most of them are the content writers and the bloggers who just had needed new ways to make there text fancy and cool in order to make the good impression towards the reader. But you guys don’t have to be worried about anymore I will present you some of the best writing technique through which I guarantee after reading this article can be able to change your causal text to fancy and cool looking and there are many benefits for the fancy text.

Friendly suggestion, use this website to save your time and efforts

https://fancytextgenerators.com/ . you just need to visit this website and select your desired style. After that enter your text in the text box, and click on the convert button it will convert your simple text into some thing really cool and fancy. There are some other methods which are following .

Firstly you guys have to use your full body to make your text look cool and fancy because when you use yours all fingers with the gentle grip to the pen will give you more beautiful words to be written from that angle. Then you should have to take the essential utensils which are being basic for your writing. You should also have to write in a slow way because writing with speed will give your text look ugly sometime and give a bad impression. And you should also have to make sure that you are sitting in the right place because sometimes as you notice if you bent too low it will give your text not fancy and cool looking as you want.

You also have to get the variety of bundle of the nibs because each nib has its own purpose of writing and it will be a great benefit to make the text look fancy. A big mistake that most people writers do that that they press the pen hard which is being wrong. You should have to hold your pen through the 30-degree angle because it gives you the unity and variation to the characters. You guys also have to pay attention to the patterns while writing the text because it gives the smoothness to your text. Paper also matters while you are writing your text because if you use the low-level paper then your text will not be up to the mark and it will also not looked as you desire it to be fancy and cool.

To make the new words by rearranging method for that because the it will give new words to learn out. You can also try this website https://www.anagrammaker.online/ Suppose your name is John Smith by this name you use the this  technique and you can have the new words like hit, shit and join first you should have to find out the small words and then you have to find the bigger words from there. You can also use the scrabble pieces to get help, because it may get hard for the most people sometimes to remember the words that how many time the letter (d) had come in the letter. You can also eliminate the trouble letters which may you have to think are not suitable for the required situation.

You can also try other methods to make multiple words from your single word. Like guessing method. You need to guess some words by seeing 1st and last alphabet of your word, the success ratio of this method depends on your thinking, keep trying after two or three try hope you will get your desired word, or may be right after your 1st try its all depends on your thinking. You can also use books for this purpose. There are a lot of books in the market you can pick any one and search for your desired word. You can search with your starting alphabet  and can see a lot of words that are starting from staring word. In this way you will be able to find your desired word.

There are some benefits of these tricks(yeah you can call these cool method to tricks). The major benefit of these all tricks is that your thinking power will be increased, after playing such tricks you will be able to thing even twice faster and vast as compared to before. Other benefit is that your free time will be used in good things instead of any dull activity. Another benefit is now you are become a problem solver and become more famous in you friends circle. Yes you will be able to solve any kind of  problem faster then any other.  And this is also major point which can highlight you at any point.

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The post How to Make Text Fancy and Cool appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

NedHost Introduces Super-fast Unlimited Web Hosting Promo
NedHost Introduces Super-fast Unlimited Web Hosting Promo

NedHost, Nigeria’s fastest & best in high performance web hosting company is launching an unlimited Web hosting Promo for old and new clients.

As a company noted for unparalleled customer care delivery and top-of-the-range technologies, NedHost introduces UNLIMITED HAPPINESS WEB HOSTING PROMO. Launch your website today with this Christmas deal, Break free from all web hosting limits

With combination of top-of-the-range technologies, advanced caching, high performance SSD storage, LiteSpeed web server, NedHost offers superb speed and performance at an amazing price with no hidden fees.

Here at NedHost, we understand the importance of having your website available round the clock and this is why we offer you an unlimited bandwidth which means you don’t have to worry about traffic overload and 100% network uptime guarantee; our uptime is industry leading, for these reasons and more, our customers consider us to be the best Nigeria web host!

With NedHost Unlimited, you can: have more data saved on 5X ultra-fast SSD disk space, never worry about bandwidth getting exhausted and maintain huge email archive.

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The post NedHost Introduces Super-fast Unlimited Web Hosting Promo appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

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