
Best VPN for Amazon Echo

Best VPN for Amazon Echo
Amazon Echo 2018

Amazon Echo is one of the most popular products under the smart speaker product range. The hands-free speaker is controlled by a person’s voice and connects to a voice service known as Alexa which enables it to do various tasks as instructed plus providing requested information.

Some of the information it offers includes weather reports, sports scores as well as local and international news. Additionally, it can be used to make calls, play music and answer questions among others.

Best VPN for Amazon Echo

Although Amazon Echo is becoming part and parcel of many homes or offices, it is essential to keep the internet connection used by the device as secure as possible. On the surface, it might look like having an unsecured connection poses no risk but with a closer look, a number of threats become evident. Some of the advantages of using Amazon Echo with a VPN are:


VPNs ensure that personal information shared with the smart speaker is kept private. Majority of the private networks encrypt data on the device ensuring that outsiders cannot access it.

Apart from the protection of data, the VPN also keeps your IP address well-hidden so that no one can pinpoint your actual location through the internet connection.

Bypass Restrictions

Listening to music on the go is one of the benefits of having an Amazon Echo device. However, when outside the US, it might be impossible to use the regular plug-ins available making it hard to enjoy your favorite tracks. However, using a VPS makes it possible to use the device while protecting your entire home network.

Protection from Hacking

Most times, smart speakers store all the information they pick up around the house even when you are not speaking directly to them.

Therefore, the information stored in them needs to be protected from hackers that would want to access it for their personal gain. However, a good VPN eliminates such risks and allows you to enjoy using Amazon Echo in your home or office.

Optimization of Device Usage

The main aim of buying the Amazon Echo is to make your life easier and more fun. However, if you are always in fear of your privacy, then you will not use the device as required. To eradicate such worries, you only need to set up a VPN that protects you from any attacks and ensures your information is as secure as possible.

Top 5 VPNs for Amazon Echo

To enjoy all the features that Amazon Echo provides, you need to be protected online by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Luckily, many VPN providers offer excellent services to customers using the device at home or the office and need their information protected. Some of the providers that offer some of the best VPN services for Amazon Echo are listed below.

1. NordVPN

NordVPN is the perfect service provider for individuals that are using restricted internet connections all over the world. It ensures that the user does not experience any blocking or censorship while using the Amazon device online.

The VPN has a unique feature known as CyberSec which offers protection from malware and viruses that are targeting the Amazon Echo smart speaker.

Other outstanding features of the VPN are smart DNS, kill switch, advanced encryptions, double VPN, presence in over sixty two countries and protection against DNS leak. On payments, they offer a thirty-day refund policy to anyone that buys the product.

2. PureVPN

Setting up of PureVPN is easy because you do not have to download software into the device. The VPN ensures that your connection is always safe when browsing online because of its extra features.

Some of the features it offers are tutorials about VPN set up, excellent customer support, and clear service on mobile devices. Also, the VPN blocks your internet service provider from monitoring your internet activity as well as capping your usage.

To learn more about using the private network with Amazon Echo, check out the purevpn review here.

3. ExpressVPN

ExpressVPN is a user-friendly and designed for users that are not too tech savvy. The private network can be quickly downloaded and installed by just pushing a button.

It also has servers located in different parts of the world making it worth using for your Amazon Echo device. Some of the significant features of the VPN are top-notch encryption, no knowledge DNS, kill switch, zero logs policy, and excellent customer service.

Additionally, it has a money back guarantee for the first thirty days of use.

4. BulletVPN

Streaming music using Amazon Echo seamlessly is enhanced when using BulletVPN. It has about thirty servers worldwide which serve its clients well.

Thankfully, the few servers can handle the capacity that is needed for them to manage the work for clients. Apart from the servers, the VPN has other unique features like five security protocols, smart DNS, kill switch, high-level encryptions, and excellent customer support.

5. IP Vanish

IP Vanish is an ideal VPN for gaming devices but can also work well with Amazon Echo. It has many great features such as fast downloads, utmost privacy and it is also super secure.

When it comes to using with the Amazon device, its fast speeds allows you to download music or enjoy music streaming without any interruptions.

Other things that stand out with IP Vanish are its presence in over sixty countries, kill switch, encryption, live customer service and its ability to accommodate up to ten connections at the same time. On payment, the private network has a refund policy for a maximum of seven days.

Overall, finding a VPN that works well with Amazon Echo is important for anyone that wants to maximize the use of the device.

If possible, test out some VPNs in the market before settling on the one that offers the best protection when at home or in the office. Always be open to changing your VPN service provider to a better one to ensure security of the data shared with your smart speaker is assured.

Related Topics Best VPN for Tor Speed Up your VPN Ivacy VPN Mistakes to Avoid when Buying Proxies Best Web Hosting PIN Security Basics Internet Security Basics

The post Best VPN for Amazon Echo appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Artificial Intelligence: The Next Advancement In Cancer Treatment

Technology as a whole has gone through rapid changes over the past couple of decades, with new breakthroughs being made every year. One of these more recent technological breakthroughs is the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

From predicting our purchasing behaviors through online retailers to asking our smartphones a voice-assisted question, whether we realize it or not, we are interacting with AI systems every day. While these are minor examples of the capabilities of AI, this technology is now being integrated into more important fields, such as healthcare.

With AI-equipped supercomputers leading the way in transformative healthcare practices, the discussion has been opened on what exactly this means for the overall role it will play in assisting healthcare professionals.

A Glimpse At Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence refers to the ability of a computer to utilize predictive and simulated intelligence. By being fed large amounts of labeled data, AI is able to analyze and draw conclusions based on information provided.

While this may sound simple, AI does much more than scan through basic data. AI has the ability to recognize language and visual queues, making AI-enabled systems ultimately function in ways that a human would.

However, these computers are far from human as of now. Many supercomputers are not fully autonomous, and still require human intervention in order to come to a conclusive suggestion.

However, as these computers analyze more data, they are able to learn from past mistakes, which in turn improves their decision-making processes, leading to higher accuracy.

The uses of AI in fields such as finance, law, and health are all now being explored, and the possibilities are seemingly endless.

AI In Healthcare

AI is being explored in the fields of oncology and diagnostics through multiple trials. For patients who are suffering from rare diseases such as late-stage mesothelioma cancer, the immediacy in which the patient is diagnosed is crucial to their overall treatment and life expectancy.

Difficult to diagnose cancers can often leave doctors misdiagnosing a patient a number of times before they provide the correct diagnosis. With AI, healthcare professionals are hoping that by feeding these supercomputers an abundance of medical literature about diseases, the supercomputer will be able to provide doctors with human-level cancer intelligence.

Accurate suggestions in relation to diagnosis, treatment options, and a variety of other recommendations based on the type of disease, the patient’s medical history, and past cases that were similar in nature could change the way we do cancer care.

Pushback On AI

All technological advancements encounter criticism as to how beneficial they actually are. A supercomputer known as IBM Watson was put to the test at hospitals in Giessen Germany, where it has seriously underperformed, leading to the project being canceled before use on a single patient.

According to doctors involved in this test run, Watson was unable to identify a heart attack, torn aorta or angina when presented with chest pain symptoms and rather suggested that a rare disease was causing these problems.

As stated by Stephan Holzinger, CEO of Rhön-Klinikum AG, which owns the university hospital where this test was facilitated, “The company (IBM) hadn’t even fed the guidelines provided by the professional medical associations into the system. I thought to myself: If we continue with this, it will be like investing in a Las Vegas show.”

While this is certainly concerning, especially given the price tag of working with IBM Watson, computers aren’t always going to be correct. It takes time for AI to learn and the more data it is given the smarter it will become in the future.

With advancements being made so quickly, it is assumed that technology built by a resourceful powerhouse such as IBM should function properly with ease, but only time will tell how Watson will stack up in the future.

World Cancer Day

February 4th is the day we recognize those who we have lost and those that continue to fight cancers of all types. It is also an outlet to highlight the great advancements being made each and every day by hardworking people in the health and science fields.

Hopefully, technology such as artificial intelligence will allow for more accurate and timely diagnoses for patients, leading to higher success rates and overall ability to treat cancers immediately.

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The post Artificial Intelligence: The Next Advancement In Cancer Treatment appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

5 Cool Gadgets Every Event Professional Should Carry While Traveling

Event planning is not for the faint-hearted. It’s definitely not for the travel-weary because event planners are always on the go. From airports to hotels, from conference centers to property site inspections, they’ll be everywhere.

Most experienced event planners have got their travel life sorted. But for those who have just started down this road, these 5 technological tools will make your life easier while traveling.

1. Power Bank

Power Bank charging a Smartphone

While traveling, event managers shouldn’t worry about their devices running out of juice. A power bank is an absolute must-have for you on the go. With a mobile device charger, you can refresh the batteries of dead phones or tablets. It allows you to stay in touch with your team 24/7, watch videos, and go through client presentations and meeting recordings.

2. WiFi Hotspot Device

Airport and hotel Wi-Fi can be slow. A portable WiFi device allows you to use the internet that is fast while on the move. Best thing is that you pay for only the data you use. Also, you can also share your data with others as well.

3. A Smartphone Or a Tablet


Mobile technology is an integral part of event planning. For event planners on the go, it’s a no-brainer that smartphones are beneficial.

With a smartphone, you can easily coordinate with the team, be available 24/7, keep a note of all important events (appointments, task lists, schedule), etc.

Moreover, it’s easily available with the best financing options.

You can purchase a mobile on EMI without a credit card. You can apply for a consumer durable loan to buy a smartphone.

A smartphone also has a host of free event management apps designed specifically to streamline the event management processes.

4. Portable Scanner

The scanner is portable and so small that it can be easily slipped into a purse. The device is useful for event planners when they are doing site inspections. This device can easily scan floor maps and contracts.

5. Distance and Size Measurement App

Event planners need to do site inspections often, where they measure indoor and outdoor spaces. However, while travelling, it is inconvenient to travel with a tape measure or ruler. There are a lot of options in size and distance measurement apps.

They are free and can be easily downloadable on iPhone and smartphone. The app instantly calculates the size of objects, big and small. It also measures the distance that is too far to measure by hand. The measurements are then displayed on the phone screen.

6. Travel Power Strip

A travel power strip is a life saver when all your devices – smartphone, laptop, power bank, tablet need charging and your hotel has just one charging point. This portable device has multiple charging outlets and that include USB ports as well.

Travelling Tips for Event Professionals 1. Invest in a Good Suitcase

Since you are always on the go, your suitcase takes a lot of beating from airport baggage handlers. Invest in a suitcase that can withstand rough handling. Also, buy a suitcase with 360-degree wheels so that it is easy for you to push than pull.

2. Pack a set of Toiletries

Always keep two sets of toiletries ready – one for an overnight trip and the other for longer trips.

3. Pack Low Maintenance Clothes

Pack clothes that are easy to maintain and do not wrinkle easily.

4. Choose Comfort over Style in Shoes.

Pack comfortable shoes that can keep you on your feet for long.

5. Pack the Basic Event Materials.

Pack these 5 things always:

Scissors Safety pins Tape Tide-to-go pens Sharpies

Enjoy your trip!

Author Bio:

Shiv Nanda 

 Shiv Nanda is a financial analyst who currently lives in Bangalore (refusing to acknowledge the name change) and works with MoneyTap, India’s first app-based credit-line. Shiv is a true finance geek, and his friends love that. They always rely on him for advice on their investment choices, budgeting skills, personal financial matters and when they want to get a loan. He has made it his life’s mission to help and educate people on various financial topics, so email him your questions at shiv@moneytap.com.

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The post 5 Cool Gadgets Every Event Professional Should Carry While Traveling appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Car Checks that Are Always Needed Before Road Trips
Car Checks That Are Always Needed Before Road Trips

Going on a road trip is a highly preferred holiday activity for many but this does not mean that people know how to prepare. Unfortunately, in many cases we see car owners just get in the vehicle and drive away.

This is a really bad approach since dealing with car problems while you just want to relax and go sightseeing is a real hassle.

If you want to go on a road trip, always be sure that you check your car. The best thing that you can do is visit an auto repair shop for a check, like Pickering’s Auto Service in Lakewood. This will include all the needed checks, including the following really important ones.


Fluid levels always need to be checked first since most motorists do not actually check them as often as they should. When oil and coolant levels are too low, a leak might be present somewhere.

Since you are checking these two, it is always a good idea to also take a look at the brake fluid. When level is low, the car is not actually safe and should not be driven.


In most cases, you will end up driving during the night or in conditions that are misty. This is why absolutely all car lights need to correctly work, especially in the event that you will be driving in an unfamiliar country or region. Brake lights are often needed but all lights can go down without a warning.


The way in which the wipers clean the windscreen has to be checked. If you turn them on and there are water lines present, you most likely need to change them. Windscreen washers can easily be used to check your wipers. Be sure that they do the job right.

Tyres And Wheels

A car’s tyres are incredibly important. They connect the vehicle to the ground so if you find yourself driving for long periods of time, you need to be sure they are exactly as they should be.

Tread depth is normally checked first. If the tyre is worn beyond the recommended level, replacements are necessary. Then, tyre surface is checked for notable inflections, bubbles and damage.

If all is okay, tyre pressure is checked. It does not matter if you are on the road or not. Tyres can be over or under-inflated. If this is the case, tyres end up with wear marks.

Brake Pads

These are rarely considered, unless getting the car checked by a mechanic. Brake pad wear should be analysed before any road trip.

The brake pad is made out of an outer part that is metal and an inner part that is composite. The composite part has to have a thickness that is over 5 millimetres. Replacements are needed if this is not the case.

Also, the handbrake has to be checked. It needs to click a maximum of 4 times before the car is held in place. Roadworthy test is not passed if there are over four clicks.

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The post Car Checks that Are Always Needed Before Road Trips appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

5 Reasons why you need to consider using a VPN from today
Reasons for VPN

The internet is an amazing place. The range of things you can do on internet is limitless. Start with listening to latest music, working from home, finding a new date to love to do shopping, it’s all amazing.

You can even create a whole new world to play around in. The internet is something that has become an important part of our day to day life to an extent that most of us just could not survive without internet. We carry our internet gadgets in with us to keep the world at our fingertips.

In the initial days, Internet used to be boundless and everybody has the right to access any type of information, view/download any stuff they are interested in. The purpose was to provide free flow of information.

However, with so many security threats hoping to steal our data, ISP restrictions, many people are often hesitant to access the World Wide Web.

You can’t always fight against the government or the ISPs and other prying eyes that have changed your internet usage. Instead you can play smart and use these VPN apps to access any blocked website, apps and services while making you ultra safe from hackers, ISP and Governments who are tracking your browsing activities.

What is a VPN?

VPN means Virtual Private Network. That doesn’t mean you don’t need internet to connect with websites. Your internet service provider is essential and VPN can’t be a substitute for it.

Once you have the internet, A VPN gets your traffic through a more secure tunnel by hiding your IP. Thus allowing you remains safe while browsing internet. There are a lot benefits to use a VPN. Below, you can see five main benefits of using VPN.

1. Keep safe on Public WiFi

Public wifi is incredibly useful and can help you get things done when you are out of house or office. For freelancers and bloggers they are essential allowing them to work while travelling, in coffee shops, or even in airports to stay connected.

The ease of use of these wifi hotspots can become an absolute hives for data miners who attempt to use these networks to steal data and private information.

But, a VPN can stop that by creating a private network within the public wifi network. This will ensure your data is remaining safe and secure.

2. Access Geo-restricted Websites

A number of websites will block certain part of their services to only few countries. Sites like Netflix and Spotify have different content for different countries.

This can become a big problem when you are travelling to another country where your favorite content is not available. However, the VPN can help you log into the country specific IP and allow you to browse the websites without any problem.

3. Save while Shopping

There are various shopping sites online that shows different price for the same product depending on the location you are in while browsing.

It can be buying a hotel room, buying your favorite t-shirt, or anything like that. As a customer it is disheartening to see price changes so quickly. To deal with this, a VPN can switch their identities and help you find the product at lower prices. It might be large process but if you are saving a big amount then you can definitely go for it.

4. Combat Internet Censorship

There are certain websites which access is controlled by governments. If you are a resident of a respective state then you are not allowed to access some sites like news and research websites.

They might be essential for many for communication purpose and information research purpose. A VPN service helps you in gaining access to such websites which you can use without providing any information to the security system. You do not need to worry about your online activities; a VPN can make sure it is foolproof.

5. Stay undetected while Torrenting

Yes, let’s to be honest – many people are using VPN connections to download files through BitTorrent sites. This can actually be useful even if you are downloading completely legal torrents but your ISP is throttling BitTorrents and making it very slow. You can then use a VPN to get faster speeds. The same is true for all kinds of traffic that your ISP might want to interfere with.

Over to You

These are the top benefits to using a VPN while browsing internet or doing your day to day activities using the internet.  I hope it has enlightened some of you about your online activity.

What do you think a VPN? For what activity you want to use a VPN? Let me know your feedback through the comment section below.

Related Topics Best VPN for Tor Speed Up your VPN Ivacy VPN Mistakes to Avoid when Buying Proxies Best Web Hosting PIN Security Basics Internet Security Basics

The post 5 Reasons why you need to consider using a VPN from today appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

NAIAS Detroit Auto Show 2019 Roundup
NAIAS Detroit Auto Show 2019

Held in Detroit, Michigan, the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) is a popular show that holds in January of every year (like the CES event) since 1989. This year’s edition was equally held in Detroit for two weeks — Mon, 14 Jan 2019 – Sun, 27 Jan 2019. The show actually commenced on the 12th of January, 2019 but only started properly with Press preview two days after, on the 14th. See the event schedule below:

January 12 — Gallery
January 14–15 — Press preview
January 14–17 — Automobili-D (mobility and autonomy exposition)
January 16–17 — Industry preview
January 18 — Charity preview
January 19–27 — Open to the public

Before we proceed, it is noteworthy to mention that the event will no longer hold in January but instead, June. This move was made by the organizers with the hope of adding more outdoor events and ultimately attracting more visitors as this year’s edition was somewhat a “quiet” one.

Like previous editions, this year’s North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) also saw the industry’s top auto companies come together to showcase new innovation and products they have lined up for release in 2019. The history of car technology and innovation in America can be traced back to Detroit. And according to the organizing body, “the North American International Auto Show serves as the global stage for companies to debut brand-defining vehicles and industry-shaping announcement” — all of which happened at the NAIAS 2019. We’ll cursorily highlight some of the top cars and innovation that were showcased by a number of companies at the event in the paragraphs below.


Ford is one of the few auto companies that stole the show at the event as it announced upgrades to previous generations of its cars with new mind-blowing features. The company took veils off a new generation of its renowned “rugged” Mustang SUV – the 2020 Mustang Shelby GT500. Dubbed the “most powerful Stang yet”, the GT500 boasts of a 5.2-liter supercharged V8 engine under-the-hood with 700+ horsepower, dual-clutch transmission, magnetic ride suspension and 0 – 60 sprint in just over 3 seconds. Crazy!

NAIAS Detroit Auto Show 2019Ford Explorer Hybrid Edition

In addition to the Mustang, Ford also showcased four different variants of its new 2020 edition of Explorer SUV. Asides from being more spacious, the new Ford Explorer (regular edition) comes with a 2.3-liter turbocharged I4 engine. and an 8-inch Sync 3 touchscreen infotainment control center. And while the infotainment center is customizable to a bigger 10.1-inch portrait-oriented touchscreen display. There will also be an optional edition with a bigger 3.0-liter twin-turbo V6 engine.

Other variants of Ford’s new Explorer include the fuel-economy focused Explorer Hybrid, a Police Interceptor Explorer, as well as a performance-focused Explorer ST.

Toyota NAIAS Detroit Auto Show 20192020 Toyota Supra

Toyota also managed to steal some attention to itself by unveiling its long-anticipated Supra. Car lovers and consumers finally got a hold of what the vehicle will look like after the internet has been awash with countless renders, concepts, and leaks.

The new Supra will be powered by 3-liter turbocharged I6 engine made by BMW. The engine is capable of 335 horsepower, comes with 365 pound-feet torque, and can reportedly sprint from 0 to 60mph in 4.1 seconds. The Toyota Supra is expected to go on sale later in the year and price is expected to be between $51,000 – $56,000. The first production set will be about 1,500 units. Dubbed the “Launch Edition” Supra, they are expected to debut with a launch price of $56, 1680.

RAM 2019 RAM Heavy Duty

Ram also unveiled its new generation Heavy Duty pick-up truck that’s not just beautiful on the outside, the engine and tech used on the car are likewise impressive. Modeled after one of its latest pickups, Ram 1500, the 2019 Ram 3500 comes with a 6.7-liter Cummins I6 Turbodiesel engine with 1,000 pound-feet torque and 400 horsepower. The build of the Ram 3500 allows it to be able to handle up to 8,000 pounds of payload and a towing capacity of 35,100 pounds.

On the inside, there is a 12-inch infotainment touchscreen display in portrait orientation which displays multiple apps all at once as well as a tire-pressure monitoring system (up to a dozen tires). Other features of the Ram 3500 pick-up truck include automatic emergency braking system, a primary surround-view camera, as well as a secondary camera that monitors bed payload.

KIA 2020 KIA Telluride

KIA also seized the NAIAS 2019 to fully showcase features of its production-version Telluride SUV. The KIA Telluride is a 3-row 7-seater crossover SUV made specially for the US market. In addition to its 3.8-liter V8 291 horsepower engine, the 2020 Telluride boasts of a semi-autonomous driving system using KIA’s new ‘Highway Driving Assist” feature.

Lexus NAIAS Detroit Auto Show 2019Lexus LC Convertible (Concept)

The Japanese premium automaker showcased a concept of its 2019 Lexus LC Convertible. The concept LC comes with a 22-inch wheel and an open-air design with a folding roof that rolls into the rear deck to reveal a 4770 mm long profile. The car is still said to be a concept but there are reports that suggest that it is close to production and could launch with a 5.0-liter 471 horsepower V8 engine. According to the company’s Chief Designer, Tadoa Mori,

‘This concept takes the unmistakable design of the LC coupe and reimagines it as a future convertible; A production version of this concept would be exhilarating in many different ways.’

Volkswagen NAIAS Detroit Auto Show 20192020 Volkswagen Passat

Volkswagen also seized the NAIAS 2019 to unwrap its new Passat sedan car. The 4-door 2020 Passat is all polished up on the outside and inside. Rocking 19-inch wheels, bigger grille at the front and LED headlights as well as LED taillights, the 2020 Passat looks pretty and sporty.

The innard is likewise impressive: 8-inch infotainment touchscreen display, dual-zone climate control, and heated seats. The new Passat is a job well done. Volkswagen equipped the 2020 Passat with a 174 horsepower 2.0-liter turbocharged I4 engine and a 6-speed automatic transmission.

Asides the manufacturers and products listed above, more than 30 new automobiles were showcased by many US-based and foreign players in the industry like Hyundai, Nissan, Lincoln, Infiniti, Cadillac, GAC and many more. And despite the fact that a couple of big names like Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi pulled out of the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) 2019, the event still remained very much impressive and unmatched.

From convertibles to pickups, sedans, SUVs and more, which automobile company ‘wowed’ you the most with their product?


Image Credit: CNET

The post NAIAS Detroit Auto Show 2019 Roundup appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Small SEO Tips and Tricks That Will Pack a Punch

Considering all the websites out there and the sheer size of the internet, you may think that digital marketing is time-consuming and complex. This doesn’t always have to be true; when broken down, there are plenty of digital marketing techniques that can be accomplished in just a few hours that still pack a big punch.

One example of this is search engine optimization (or “SEO”). Here are some quick and simple SEO tips and tricks that will help your marketing strategy come alive.

Invest in Mobile Optimization

Everyone uses their smartphones nowadays, so it is crucial that your website is optimized for mobile phones. Many business owners think that this detail just comes naturally when a website is optimized, but this isn’t true.

If you are not web development savvy, you may have to hire a third party to complete this for you. But once you make your website easier for mobile users, your brand recognition will soar and clients will be knocking on your doors in no time.

Use Smaller Photos

Compress your image files so they’re smaller (lighter), making for a web page that loads faster. And the faster a website loads, the lower your bounce rate will be (your “bounce rate” being the percentage of visitors who leave your website without viewing another page).

Overhaul your Social Media

It is important to view your social media profiles as extensions of your website. Since social media is so popular, potential clients may go to your profiles even before they visit your website or give you a call.

With this in mind, you want to make your social media profiles as descriptive as possible, and use terms that describe your business and match up with popular search query terms.

Always fill out the “about me” sections, post content, engage with users, and include links back to your website to make it easily accessible to users.

Don’t forget your Meta Description

A meta description is a snippet that summarizes a page’s content. This appears under the title of your page on a search engine results page.

It is a best practice to have a meta description for every page on your website, and it is always a good idea to end it with a call to action.

Check for Broken Links

Broken and malfunctioning links can hinder your search engine rankings because Google web crawlers look for a healthy backlink profile when determining your search engine ranking.

There’s free software available online that can go through your entire website and alert you to ones that are broken and/or not working anymore, and get those removed as soon as possible. As a rule of thumb, it’s better for your website’s SEO to have no link instead of a broken one.

Develop an Editorial Calendar

Unique and informative content is key to your website’s success. Creating an editorial calendar can help you determine what to write about, what your clients want to see, and what information will be most helpful for closing conversions.

You can even add in what keywords you want to target with each post to keep things organized. If you need help, companies such as Link Graph are there to help as a content service provider.

Be Yourself

When a potential client clicks on your website, they’re looking for information that will inspire them to choose you rather than your competitor.

One of the easiest ways to do this and to create a lasting impression is to simply be yourself. Post pictures or interactive content, and host giveaways to help you get to know your clients better.

Even tell jokes in your blogs if that’s how you best communicate. There is no wrong answer with doing this, just ensure that your unique voice shines through.

These small SEO tips and tricks are proof that a digital marketing strategy doesn’t have to take a long time to develop and create. With consistency, by doing these small tweaks, your website will benefit greatly and you will boost your online visibility.

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The post Small SEO Tips and Tricks That Will Pack a Punch appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Solved: Samsung NVMe SSD problem with DELL XPS
Samsung NVMe SSD problem

If you are on a hunt for the solution to solve the Samsung NVMe SSD problem with Dell XPS then you are the right page. Here we explain to you the successful approach to solve the Samsung NVMe SSD problem with Dell XPS.

Understanding the Problem:

Your system has the SSD mode in Bios set to RAID by default, but in order to detect the NVMe drive the SSD mode has to be switched to ACHI mode form RAID mode.

When you do so, you may face problem in starting your Windows and again on switching back to the RAID mode will keep the system fine. So, how do you get the Samsung NVMe SSD problem resolved?

The Basic and non-working approaches you will find on forums:

This is a common problem that is faced by many. So, we have various approaches suggested by many forums to solve the Samsung NVMe SSD problem. But on trying those out you may end up achieving nothing and disappointing yourself.

One of the basic approaches suggested is restarting the Windows 10 on safe mode and prior to starting the Windows switch SSD mode to ACHI mode from RAID mode. But this won’t work.

Our Tested and Successful Approach to Solve this Problem:

In this approach you will need creating a recovery disk on an external media like pendrive and reinstall Windows 10. This may erase everything but you will probably not have to enter the windows serial key or active and you already activated it initially and made a recovery disk.

So, here is the step-by-step procedure for this approach to solve the Samasung NVMe SSD problem with Dell XPS.

Step 1:– When on RAID mode create a recovery disk on pendrive and restart the system.

Step 2:– On restarting the system, enter the Bios and change the SSD mode to ACHI mode and also the boot sequence to detect the USB first.

Step 3:– Now, insert pendrive that has the recovery disk and reboot the laptop.

Step 4:– The system detects the USB flash drive and allows re-installation of Windows.

During installation the system doesn’t ask you for the location of Windows installation and once you are done with the installation the system automatically adjust the boot sequence and you will find the Windows installed on C drive (favorable)

Step 5:– Now install the Samsung Magician Software and it detects the new 970 Pro SSD. But in order to get full advantage of it in terms of durability and speed install the drivers as well.

And Done! This really works.

How is it a Successful Approach?

Let’s consider the Samsung Magician software as the savior! The backend functionality of this software is doing the part. But how?

Prior to fixing the problem the SSD mode was on RAID, on this mode the software will not detect the NVMe SSD but when you run the benchmark, it will show you the impressive results and matches the speed of my NVMe SSD though it appears that it didn’t detect the NVMe SSD.

The Microsoft uses the driers of the software when on RAID mode and brings up the real performance of NVMe SSD and because it shows high speed it convinces the fact that SSD is active as NVMe.

But, when you switch to ACHI and reinstall the Windows 10 it will show a little higher performance.

Bottom Line:

The approach works successfully and may vary in the speeds. You got many other software as well that provide you decent speed on RAID mode. But this is something recommended, so give it a shot! After all, your money on Dell worth an ultimate speed.

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The post Solved: Samsung NVMe SSD problem with DELL XPS appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

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