Living in a city gives you better opportunities in life. You’ll have access to establish your chosen career, do your recreational activities, explore your capabilities, and build a life of your dream. Before you reach all of these things in life, you need first to find a haven at the center of the city.
If you’ve just recently moved into the city from your far-flung hometown, renting an apartment will be the most common way to have a home. It’s a bit difficult to find an apartment that is accessible, comfortable, and most importantly safe nowadays.
If you successfully find one of your preference, take a look at the following innovative technologies below that you can put inside your apartment to achieve the comfort and safety that you need.
Smart HVAC SystemsHeating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems are essential technologies in your apartment. During the winter season, you need to have a heating system activated inside your room to regulate the cold temperature. In hot summer, you’ll need the AC units to feel a refreshing experience inside your apartment.
Due to the innovations in technology, there are smart HVAC systems available in the market today. Unlike the traditional ones, intelligent HVAC systems detect the current room temperature.
If it’s warm, the system gives off sufficient level of coolness. The system exactly knows the particular temperature a room needs. If it’s too cold already, the system regulates automatically without you manually inputting it in.
This way, you’ll save electricity consumption. Hence, it’ll lower down your bills, and pay less than what you usually do. Try to visit Your Next Place and other reliable websites to find a lot of apartment options that are ready for HVAC installation.
Smart Door LocksSafety is the most important thing that you always consider in your apartment next to comfort. It’s your second home. You leave your valuables there every time you go out to work the whole day. Of course, you want all of them to be safe inside your apartment.
At night, you want to take enough sleep for you to gain energy to wok the following day. That’s why you need an apartment that will provide you safe environment at all times. To help you out achieve this goal, having a smart door lock installed in your apartment door will solve your problem.
When you arrive at your apartment, and you carry a lot of stuff with you, go near to the door, and the door will recognize your smartphone to unlock the door for you. If you are not home yet, and your family wants to visit you in your apartment, you can text them the code to let them access your unit.
The technology also has a feature of sending you notifications whenever someone enters the door, so you’ll know if there’s any unwanted visitor who comes in your apartment. Because of this, you can find help like police to respond to your concern and save your apartment.
There are also a lot of smart door locks available in the market today. You can choose one according to your preference of its design, features, durability, brand, and affordability.
Remember, not all cheap products are in low quality, and not all expensive ones are long-lasting and durable. Try to ask some specialists of door locks to find useful ideas before making a decision.
Smart LightingIt’s a technology that you can install in your apartment for you to have convenience in managing the lights inside your apartment. It’ll be better if you let the specialists do the installation for you to ensure accuracy and precision.
Smart lighting makes your life easy and comfortable. Today, it’s not just about turning off and on anymore. You can now change the light color to give your room a different look. You can also set it to turn on and off on a particular time of the day.
One exciting feature of smart lighting is that it recognizes voice inputs. You can enter a word or phrase as a command to a particular action of the light. If you say “sleep,” the light will turn to deem, “good morning” to turn on the light, and whatever commands you successfully added to the system, the system can recognize.
Another feature of smart lighting is that you can connect it with your smartphone. Whenever you want, you can control the lights in all parts of your apartment. It’ll surely give you comfort since you don’t need to stand and touch the outlet yourself if you want changes with your lights whether to turn off, on, or change the brightness and color.
TakeawayLiving in a city makes you live independently. You take full responsibility of all your valuables and other investment you have inside your apartment. When you are out to work, you need to keep your apartment closed and safe. If you’re at home, you need to luxuriate in the comfort your apartment gives you.
You can install a lot of technologies to improve your stay experience in your apartment. The innovative technologies discussed above are a few of those available in the market today to respond to your comfort needs. Get an apartment now, and have these techs in your home at the center of the city for you to enjoy both safety and convenience.
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Breakdown of the electric stove is a fairly common problem. Of course, in such a situation it is easiest to take the phone and call the experts. But, take your time. In many cases, the repair of the stove can be in your own hands. How to do this – we will guide you in this write-up step by step:
Types of Damage And How To Fix ThemFirst of all, it is important to determine which faults in the stove can be rectified by yourself and which cannot be. All types of electric stoves are divided into two main categories – electronic and electromechanical. These both have different scenario of repairing. But here we will discuss some common one.
Different Types of FaultsBefore analyzing separately the situation with various types of electrical faults, we give a list of common typical failures:
Problem with thermal fuse (most often it concerns the oven or oven) Problem with heating elements in the burner Problem with the timer Problem with the mode switch Problem with poor contact Problem with the terminal block Problem with power supply (voltage) Equipment RequiredScrewdriver, Wire Cutters, Phase Indicator, Ohmmeter, Control – 100W Electric Lamp in a bag with Connected Wires, Spare Burners.
Basic Repairing TipsHope, the above-mentioned points help you in finding the solution for your stove. But, if you found difficulty in self-repairing then hiring Ge Stove Repair Montreal will be a wise decision.
Author Bio: Jeff Sears is professionally a technician and a part time blogger. He is working for APlus Repair which help in your electric home appliance repair. He has more than 7 years of experience in repairing electrical appliances.
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As technology rises, the evolution of every sector in the world also progresses. Technological advancement creates limitless possibilities making every task better and easier. There are waves of innovations from gadgets to smart homes and appliances that can provide comfort to people. Now, tech also influences construction innovations.
Innovators continuously create advances in the construction industry. These advancements can enhance and improve the existing materials and techniques used for constructing buildings and other structures. With that mentioned, here are five innovations today that can improve the performance of the construction sector.
Self-healing ConcreteConcrete is one of the most used components in construction around the globe. It is adaptable and cheap, but it is also vulnerable to deterioration and cracks under stress like cold and heat. Concrete cracks of different sizes are major problems in construction.
A new type of concrete that can recover with its own cracks was developed. Made out of concrete mix with a tiny capsule of sodium silicate, the self-healing concrete delivers. When a crack forms in a building, the capsules split and release a gel which act as an agent that hardens and fills the crack.
Because of the self-healing concrete materials, prolonging the life of the concrete is now possible. It is not only beneficial to the people but also the environment. Smart concrete will not just save the cost of concrete resurfacing and reconstruction but also reducing the greenhouse gasses that can destroy nature.
3D ModellingConstruction and planning innovation has been driven next to the development of smart cities. The 3D modeling creates a digital 3D buildings to help the engineering and architectural division visualize and communicate data and design with the 3D software.
Here are some 3D modeling software programs that are available in the market which can allow you to design 3D models of buildings, bridges, and other structures.
AutoCAD- this is a commercial computer-aided software application used for 2D and 3D design and drafting. AutoCAD is a software program used to create blueprints of bridges, buildings, and computer chips. SketchUp– this is a 3D program for designers who know how to create a 3D modeling. SketchUp used in interior design, visualizing architecture, urban, construction, and engineering.The Construction process of today has gone digital. These software can provide data, sustainability, energy, and design planning for urban with ease and without rolling out blueprints. This tech innovation speeds up the design process and provides a real-view of the finished project.
Transparent AluminumChemical engineers developed a material that has the strength and durability of metal and the crystal-clear purity of glass. They dreamt of having to use “clear metal” for construction of a glass-walled structure that requires less internal support.
After several experiments, scientist produced a glass-like material with the strength of aluminum. They called it transparent aluminum. In some modern applications, transparent aluminum is used by the military to make optical lenses and armored windows.
Aerogel InsulationAerogel insulation is an advanced material used for insulating homes and commercial buildings. It is up to five times more effective than traditional insulating materials out in the market. Aerogel is a material typically consisting of more than 90 percent air. It is a foam-like material that has shape despite being as light as air.
In construction works, aerogel fabrics show extreme insulating properties. Aerogel insulation fiber has two to four times insulation power compared to the insulating capacity of foam insulation or traditional fiberglass. This material is significantly expensive, but if the price comes down, it could be the best insulation for every construction projects.
NanotechnologyNanotechnology deals with tech done on the nanoscale. Nanotech basically means dealing with technology done in the smallest possible dimensions. Nanotech is promising because it is very small and can deal with problems existing on the molecular level.
Recent development for the construction industry involve using nanoparticles of titanium dioxide, aluminum oxide, or zinc oxide that are applied as a final coating on construction wares to break down dirt when exposed to ultraviolet light, provides UV resistance in both paints and coating, and can make the surface of a building scratch resistant.
TakeawayTechnology is indeed an essential factor for the development of every sector of this generation. In today’s time, some of the innovations listed above can resolve major problems in construction. These innovations can easily alleviate problems that cause catastrophic and often fatal consequences for people.
There are also materials with advanced technology that can enhance the durability and energy efficiency of every building, bridge, and other areas under the construction industry.
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Traditional software applications, focuses on the phase-oriented approach to develop software. That is because every product goes via the alpha, beta, as well as golden versions. Every product release starts with the inclusion of new features when a few lingering issues of the previous release are recognized and corrected.
The cycle of development touches the alpha stage when individual features are applied using meticulous testing. When you fix the bugs, the beta stage begins and you even out the bugs through customer feedback.
However, with each bug eliminated, new ones come into existence, forcing a situation of hit-a-mole. Until and unless no bugs are opened, the golden master (GM) goal is realized, and new trivial problems are pushed for subsequent release.
According to an article published on https://www.huffingtonpost.com, continuous improvement is necessary for technical debt (TD) so that each product survives in the long term. If you keep delaying fixing bugs, it is a risky way to develop software.
With the increase in bug count, managing it becomes extremely difficult leading to the death of TD. Things get worse; schedules get disrupted as coding surrounding the bug decelerates the development process. Then, how do you escape Technical Debt through agile methodology? Here are six tips to help you:
1. Look out for Sprints and TasksYou will need to battle the desire to compromise the definition of ‘done.’ How would you do it? Well, it means including another testing job to the original story.
It may seem easy to postpone them and solely invite TD. When testing is not performed as an integral part of bug fixing, the bug fix or original story is not done.
Therefore, ensure that you keep up a rigid definition of done in the program and make sure that it incorporates full automated testing. Nothing affects your team’s speed more than manual testing and a code base full of bugs.
2. Define DevelopmentMany times, product managers and developers do not agree about the constituents of TD. And it means any technical shortcuts is taken to deliver on time. When it comes to the development side, they like to set apart architectural job as TD.
Now, this may or may not be true depending on what type of change it is. For example, it means substituting a shortcut with the actual solution vs. breaking a huge code base into micro-services.
On the contrary, product managers feel that developing new features is essential and urgent than fixing bugs or improving sluggish performance.
To prevent both sides from being overwhelmed about what the other side has said, all of them should understand the difference between desired architectural modifications in the code base, TD, and new features.
Therefore, smooth communication is imperative between the product managers and developers to prioritize the backlog and develop the code base.
Make sure that you prioritize Technical Debt during sprint planning just as a normal feature task instead of concealing it in another backlog or issue tracker. If you want more information and want to read related blogs on Debt, consider visiting platforms like nationaldebtreliefprograms.com.
3. Perform an Automated TestWhen a person identifies a bug in an application, take some time out of your busy schedule to include an automated test demonstrating the same.
When the bug is fixed, run the test to make sure that it passes the said test. It forms the crux of test-oriented development, which is a time-tested waytoensure quality in software development.
4. Change Your Team’s Old ApproachWhen you change the team’s traditional approach, it helps you escape TD. Make sure you educate the owner of the product how TD can be brought to zero. Tell your team to modularize the architecture with new libraries and elements. This way, you can broaden the agility of the new branches to the other parts of the code too.
5. Write Automated TestsThe best way to fix bugs is through automated tests. Therefore, you should prevent bugs by writing automated tests and constant integration.
When you discover a new bug, make sure to write a new test to replicate it, and then make an effort to fix the bug. When it appears again, the automated test will identify the bug before customers do.
6. Reduce TD through Agile MethodsAgile methodology ensures quality into the development process so that your team learns to manage a standard quality release repeatedly. When it comes to a traditional team, ‘Done,’signifies first-rate enough for a quality assessment.
The problem is that bugs appear during the release cycle, and they keep creeping constantly. Now, by the time the QA team works on it, the product has numerous defects.
However, professional teams with the right expertise define the right way when they release the product, implying that developers do not move to the subsequent story or work on another feature until their existing product comes into the hands of customers.
To move things fast, your team should use methods such as automated testing, feature branching workflows, and constant integration all through the development cycle.
Make sure that the main branch code is strong enough and is ready to be shipped. It should be the top priority of your software development team. Therefore, new features are included in the task branch and evaluated via automated tests.
Once all features are complete, and tests passed, you can combine the specific branch with the primary one. The quality of these results is high, thus keeping TD under your control.
ConclusionFor most businesses, these changes are colossal. However, with agile methodologies, the attention is not on the schedule, but towards the development of first-rate, bug-free application. With the scope of the release is diminished, there is no chance to compromise on the quality of the product.
When your team works with legacy code, it implies that you have some TD to manage. Make sure you tame an existing TD and motivate the team to pay heed to new development. It should be your priority leaving aside everything else. Technical Debt is a reality today. You need to control it if you cannot avoid it completely.
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Demolition plays a big part in the process of home remodeling and renovation. If you think randomly tearing that wall down in your living room for an open floor plan is easy, you must think again. There are proper ways to do it because home demolition can be messy and dangerous.
There are also tools you may need to use to accomplish your task, and the tools that you’ll use will depend on what part of the house you’re taking down. If you’re not familiar with the demolition tools, here’s a list to help you.
Demolition ForkIn any major demolition job, using a demo fork is essential. This tool makes your task easier when you have to take away old flooring or roof shingles. Its ends have fangs that you can slide through beneath the material that you want to pry apart. A demolition fork is a go-to tool by demolition services like winnipegdemolition.ca in their work.
HammersIf it’s not a small demolition job that you’re going to do, you’ll surely need a hammer or a set of hammers for you achieve your task. For instance, you can start with a claw hammer. This implement is useful in small prying jobs that don’t necessitate using a crowbar. It can also get rid of buried nails and create small holes in walls.
Aside from claw hammer, you may also need a heavy hammer or a mini-sledgehammer. It’s almost the same size as a claw hammer, but with a heavy head. You can use this tool to knock down interior frames and support beams.
Then a sledgehammer. This tool is perhaps the most common that you’ll see in demolition projects. This demolition implement can tear down huge wooden walls and even cemented walls. When choosing a sledgehammer, you should make sure that you pick one that’s heat-treated and drop-forged.
SnipsIf you need to cut something, say, a sheet metal, this tool is what you’re looking for to do your job efficiently. Snips have similarities with ordinary scissors, but they got a handle system that maximizes the mechanical advantage when cutting through semi-tough objects. You can also use this one when you want to replace old HVAC ducts.
ScrewdriversNot all demolition job involves the use of a sledgehammer. Sometimes demolition workers are wary of incurring unnecessary damage on the property, so they use screwdrivers in getting rid of walls, ceiling, flooring, switches, and electrical outlets.
You should include in your toolkit different types of screwdrivers. These include standard-sized flat head, long flat head, ratchet, torx, and slotted screwdrivers.
Oscillating Multi-ToolDemolition is not only all about smashing and tearing things down. There are also parts of the demolition process that you need to have precision. For instance, making perfect slices of metal, wood, and plaster. And to do this job you need to have an oscillating multi-tool.
CrowbarIf you have to pry open a floor or wall or you want to remove nails, using a crowbar is of big help. You can also use a large variety of this tool to dig up cement or rock surface. If you’re looking to buy a crow, you should make sure to choose one that has an ergonomic grip for easy handling.
Safety GearSafety first. For sure, you have seen this phrase in a construction or demolition site. This phrase is a reminder that you should always prioritize safety when doing your job. Hence, comes the essential equipment you should have to keep you safe in your demolition work: the safety gear.
For instance, you need to wear a hard hat and work gloves with leather palms while you’re in the demolition site. You may also have to wear a mask if you’re doing a welding task as well as a cotton mask to keep yourself from inhaling the dust. Or a respirator if you’re dealing with airborne chemicals.
TakeawayTools make our life easier when doing a particular task, and this is especially true when you’re doing a demolition job. Tools such as hammers, crowbar, snips, screwdrivers, oscillating multi-tool, and safety gear are the things that you need to finish your demo task with efficiency and convenience. You should include them in your toolkit because they’re of great help to you.
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Trust is the cornerstone of every successful business arrangement.
From simple retail sales all the way up to big company mergers, none of it happens if the people involved don’t have trust between one another.
Only when both parties believe – and feel confident – that their counterpart is being forthcoming and holding up their end, negotiations end and deals are struck.
Why would it be any different online?
If anything, trust is an even bigger issue when it comes to doing business over the internet. When you are standing across from someone, you can convey your ideas quickly, and get a good read on how they are being received.
Online, you don’t get to do that. So marketers have to find suitable alternatives to get your message across in a way that’s engaging and inspires confidence – trust – in your potential customers.
Now, on the topic of engagement and delivering your brand’s message effectively, we know that video outshines the alternatives. But what about trust? How do you manage to address this complex aspect of business in your online marketing videos?
Well, there are some intrinsic characteristics people often associate with trustworthy individuals. For the most part, they are competent, knowledgeable, and tend to be accomplished communicators.
In this post, I want to talk a little bit about these desirable traits, and how you can use video to convey them efficiently. Resulting in an overall stronger marketing campaign.
Competence – Production Quality and a Professional Finish:Online, people have little else to gauge your brand’s competence, and the reliability of its products or services, beyond the quality of your content.
Unless they’ve had business with you in the past, that blog post, website, or product video acts as their main point of reference in the value you bring to the table. And in that sense, a poor-quality piece of content can end up hurting you even more than no content at all.
So, if you want videos that help you reinforce your customer’s trust, and portray how competent your brand truly is, you need to make sure to keep high standards for quality and ensure a professional-looking finish in any video you employ into your marketing strategy.
Admittedly, there’s a lot that goes into making a great looking marketing video. So, broad advice like “make them good” has little-to-no practical value.
Instead, I’d like to drive your attention toward two elements that when handled appropriately, will account for a good portion of your video’s perceived quality: storyboard and voice acting.
Whether you are going for an exciting whiteboard animation to explain your services easily, or a compelling product video meant to pique potential customer’s interest, the storyboard and voice acting are two key factors that will define if the final product works or doesn’t.
Spend some time in production focused on putting together a storyboard that makes sense. One that helps people visualize your message while attending to other marketing aspects (like branding)
As far as voice acting, the best advice I can give is for you to not settle. Choose the one that’s appropriate, the one that fits. Ideally, voice acting should match the tone and message you want to get across, and reflect in some way your target audience.
Put extra attention into these two elements early on, and you’ll have a much easier time making sure your video comes through as a clear projection of your company’s competence.
Knowledgeable – Quality Content and the Value of InformationIf you aren’t sure about the ideas you are trying to convey with your video, you can be certain your audience won’t be either.
It’s a common issue I often see in poorly planned video marketing content, usually reflected in the dialogue, and the visual cues that accompany it.
Few things can inspire trust faster than dealing with someone that knows what they are talking about. So much so that they can help you understand it too without effort.
Showing you are knowledgeable about something isn’t so much about giving extended dissertations or complex definitions – big no-noes in marketing. On the contrary, making the complex seem simple, and being thorough where it counts are two clear indicators of expertise.
Then there’s the issue of value, and how you make sure to provide it in your videos.
Showing a lot of expertise in areas that don’t directly relate to the idea you are trying to convey in your video is an excellent way to make sure they don’t work. By the same token, limiting your content to relevant information exclusively will ensure you are providing value every second your video lasts.
And yes, relevant information adds value. That much is a no-brainer. However, it isn’t the only way.
Providing entertainment, humor, or solutions for a problem, are all popular ways to add value to any marketing strategy. And should be taken advantage of whenever possible to spruce-up your content and make it valuable for whoever clicks play.
Communication – How You Say Something is as Important to What You SayLastly, I want to talk a bit about effective communication, and how videos help you get your brand’s message across.
The reason why video content works so well in marketing stems from the fact that you can convey a great deal of content in a relatively short time.
Videos are a powerful medium to communicate ideas. Sounds can easily evoke feelings. Visuals can reinforce points made by the voiceover. And there’s a lot to get creative with when it comes to more advanced techniques like color theory and branding, especially in explainer videos and whiteboard animations.
That means that between visual effects, on-screen text, imagery, sounds, and the voice over, you have a plethora of tools at your disposal to drive the viewer’s attention where you need it to go. And reinforce the specific points you are after, with ease.
However, at the end of the day, all those are tools, so it’s essential you know how to use them. For that, there are two areas you should focus on; Storytelling and Branding techniques.
Storytelling is key to a compelling marketing video. Make sure to create an interesting story, one that’s intriguing and relevant to your audience, and put it in play using all those tools we talked about.
As for Branding, there’s plenty you can do with video, like using color strategically to reinforce a positive image. Using sound cues to direct attention and evoke feeling. Or even how the tone of the voice-over reacts to the actions to further drive the points you want to convey.
Do you want to see everything we’ve talked about in action? Take a look at this whiteboard video as an example. Notice how the company’s colors are used at precise moments to reinforce desirable themes – like their product solving the central issue in action – How there’s a clear and entertaining story tying complex information together. And how the voice acting and visuals are topnotch. All elements that unequivocally drive trust from viewers.
Videos are fantastic tools to inspire trust in your audience when you know how to take advantage of all that’s at your disposal with them.
By creating high-quality videos that present a professional finish, covering only relevant data that provides value to your audience, and that convey the information effectively and efficiently, you are making powerful marketing pieces that will boost the effectiveness of your overall strategy.
Bio Victor Blasco:Víctor Blasco is the founder and CEO of the explainer video company Yum Yum Videos. He is also an audiovisual designer and video marketing expert. Aside from running the business, he loves studying Chinese Philosophy and is a real geek for science fiction films and comics!
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victor-blasco/?ppe=1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YumYumVideos
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Finding your next apartment is a tough job because you’d need ample time and a lot of effort before you can choose the best place. You need to be patient because most of the available apartments might come and go in just a few moments.
Fortunately, you can now benefit from getting the list of available apartments in just one tap of your finger using the mobile rental apps. These apps can cater to your immediate needs. Each app can provide you a list of available apartments to get a lease. Here is a list of these rental apps to help you do the job easier.
ZumperZumper is an Apple and Android app that helps you to access a listing of more than one million available apartments. This app is an excellent tool that allows you to fill out your rental applications including your Experian credit report by using your mobile phone.
The Zumper app is a trusted home and apartment rental platform that helps you to find the best areas you want to live efficiently. It’s essential that you know the property’s worth before investing in anything. You can visit Pyramis Company or do some research on the internet for tips about how to find a property’s value.
Using the app is a smart idea to manage on searching for your new apartment efficiently. You can use this app so that you would no longer waste your time hunting for your new home. The app also assures that they monitor its community listings using its spam filters so that they prevent any scams and duplicates when you are hunting apartments.
Realtor.com RentalsRealtor.com Rentals is another iPhone and Android rental app that allows you to browse using a map or a photo view to find new houses or apartments easily. The app helps you to search for accurate and up-to-date apartment rental listing information in just one tap.
Realtor.com Rentals in an ideal tool to help you find an apartment with ease because it guides you to find the information you need wherever you are. The app offers you with an apartment list view feature that lets you browse the rental listings faster to help you choose the best home you want.
The app can provide you with driving directions to check out apartments in person. Realtor.com Rentals also lets you set up alerts to the available apartments that meet your criteria. The app also allows you to contact a leasing agent so that you can start your conversation.
Apartments.comApartments.com is one of those ideal search tools that you can use when you are looking for a new apartment using your iPhone or Android phone. This app offers you an efficient search function, allows you to map the amenities in the area, and provide you the opportunities to save money on your rent and deposits.
Apartments.com is an innovative app that is essential in helping you find the best rental apartment that you can get through your mobile phone. Using the app, you can access the most listings of houses and get their essential information such as reviewing the insights of other renters about a particular place to give you with real-life ideas.
The app lets you learn more about the info about your neighborhood such as their transportation options and school areas. Also, the app enables you to view HD videos and 3D walkthroughs, floorplans, interior, and exterior design of the house, etc.
Trulia RentalsTrulia Rentals is another app you can use to find your next rental easily. This iPhone and Android app is a great tool that can help you inquire a new apartment using its one-click feature that gives you direct contact with a property manager.
The app helps you to get the house you like easily without filling out an inquiry form. You can browse the rental listings through its map view and an easy-to-navigate search feature. Also, you can save your list of favorites, or you can go ahead and contact the landlord or the property manager by email or phone.
Using the Trulia Rentals app allows you to get instant updates by saving your searches, so you’ll be the first to know when the rental homes hit the market. Also, you can customize your rental searches by their price, location, number of beds and baths, etc. that gives you more convenience.
Zillow RentalsZillow Rentals is one of the best iPhone and Android rental apps you can use to access those available rental apartments easily. The app allows you to quickly view your rental listings and directly connect with the landlords as well.
The app provides you with a lot of vital features such as an up-to-the-minute searching for rental listings together with the location, and draw search boundaries on the map. Also, you can create your Renter Profile to help catch the attention of potential landlords, and increase your chance to secure your perfect rental apartment.
TakeawayRental apps are essential to provide you the better services towards hunting a new rental apartment easier. Indeed, they are a powerful tool from your smartphone that could guide you to get the best rental house in the market.
Always remember that finding a good place is tough. Don’t make it tougher by wandering from place to place without a clue on what you really want. Above are 5 mobile apps that can help ease the hassle. When you finally get to choose a suitable place, sit back and relax and enjoy your brand new start.
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Looking for a portable gaming monitor to take with you during your trips? Today, we will review one of the most popular and best portable gaming monitors in the market.
Every gamer has his or her own setup. While everyone enjoys just chilling at home and playing video games, some people travel a lot or need a separate monitor for tournaments. That is where a portable gaming monitor comes in handy. One of the most known ones in the market is the Hori Portable Gaming Monitor and today, we will go into the details of the product.
Design & FeaturesOne of the most important aspects of a portable gaming monitor is its compactness. Hori’s portable monitor weighs around 3 pounds and has a 15.6-inch display with a length of 194mm and width of 345mm.
So, it is extremely lightweight and small enough to fit into most backpacks. The monitor also comes with its own leather cover that adds nothing to the weight at all and can be used as a stand when folded. On portability, this portable monitor is excellent.
The portable monitor has 2 HDMI inputs and surprisingly, 2 headphone jacks as well. Since a lot of people play fighting games often on portable monitors, Hori decided to put 2 headphone jacks so two players can connect 2 headsets at the same time.
If you do not own any earphones, though, do not worry as Hori’s portable monitor also has its own built-in speakers, which is something we do not often see in a portable gaming monitor. The audio quality of the speakers is low-quality, but it is something we have to sacrifice for the sake of transposability.
PerformanceHori’s gaming monitor has a 768p (1366 x 768) screen, which is just a little bit above the average for these kinds of products. It certainly would have been amazing if it had a 1080p display, but the pixel density is still good with 768p since it has a rather small screen of 15.6 inches.
Another impressive feat of the Hori Universal HD Gaming Monitor is its low input lag. The lag between giving a command and seeing its effects on the screen is something portable gaming monitors suffered for quite some time, but Hori’s monitor is almost instantaneous with its input lag.
Unfortunately, its viewing angles suffer a lot. Even just a little bit of a deviation from the direct in front of the screen can cause the colors to blur out, so if you are playing with someone else, you two will need to sit really close to each other.
Image Quality & CompatibilityHori is compatible with the most gaming consoles out there, being PS4, PS3, Xbox One and Xbox 360. It cannot be used with a charged battery, so you always need to keep it plugged in, which can be a minor inconvenience for some people. Thankfully, it comes with its own AC adapter and a short HDMI cable.
Image quality of a portable gaming monitor should be least of your worries since it is usually one the main features we sacrifice a little bit for the sake of portability. But Hori Portable Gaming Monitor performs truly above the average and colors look a lot more accurate and livelier than most other products out there.
Conclusion:Whether you are a tournament arranger for a local tournament, travel a lot or need another display for the gaming night over your friend’s, Hori Universal HD Gaming Monitor is a good enough monitor to satisfy your needs. Though its viewing angles and default audio quality suffer a bit, it is compact, cheap and has most of the features you need.
Pros:+ Lightweight and portable
+ 2 headphone jacks
+ Good color quality
+ Affordable
+ Built-in speakers
– Low audio quality from speakers
– Poor viewing angles
The post Best Portable Gaming Monitor – Hori Review appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Even though women presently make up more than half of the entire US workforce, their representation in the tech industry is still low at less than 20 percent. Several factors are leading to this trend. Two of these factors are gender inequality and the lack of female mentors that cause women to lose interest in pursuing a tech career.
Given these facts, you can’t help but think how empowered women who are currently working in this male-dominated industry are faring. What are their motivations, and what can they say to inspire more women to break into this industry? If you’re a woman and you want to work in the tech industry, here are some advice to inspire you.
1. Do Your BestThis advice may sound like a cliche, but this holds true if you want to become successful and earn the respect of your colleagues in the field you’re working. Working in the world of technology won’t be like a walk in the park. You need to have the expertise and determination for you to succeed.
You should know how to do your thing and to deliver your work efficiently for your team. Like many women in business, women who are in technology will also tell you to make the quality and value of your work as your goal. And that means you have to learn new knowledge and skills, given the fact that technological development is happening every day.
2. Be AuthenticThere’s nothing worse than being not authentic. Don’t try to bend over backward just to please everyone. Know your strengths and weaknesses, and try to improve them every single day. The thing is that you don’t have to compete with everyone in the industry because cooperation and collaboration are the keys to be successful in this field, and you can only work with everyone if you’re true to yourself.
3. Be ConfidentIn the tech industry, confidence is something you should have for you to make it big. You must believe in yourself that you have something to offer. Having self-confidence allows you to be more at ease with what you’re capable of doing. This virtue also enables to work with your peers harmoniously.
Being confident with yourself also prevents you to bow down to any forms of intimidation and manipulation that might happen in the workplace. Yes, with your confidence, people will take you more seriously.
4. Be Open to FeedbackAside from listening to yourself, it’s also crucial to listen to the advice and feedback of other people. In this way, you’ll take some points on how to improve yourself and make a big leap in your career.
Always keep your humility because it’s the personal quality that will enable you to be more open to feedback. Not listening to feedback put forward by other people won’t help you grow in your field. You should also look for mentors to help you out.
5. Help Your Fellow WomenIf you already got your big break in the tech industry, you should not forget your beginnings and to help other women who are just starting. In this way, you can provide a considerable contribution to making the tech industry have an equal women representation.
Isn’t it wonderful to see your fellow women also making a positive impact in the same field in which you’re working? Thus, don’t hesitate to lend your hand and help those who have the same interest as yours.
TakeawayAs a woman who wants pursue a career in the world of technology, there is a lot of advice that you need to apply to build yourself up and become successful. You should know by now that working in this industry means that you should have the expertise and determine to deliver valuable work.
To that end, you need to believe in yourself, do your best in what you do, be open to feedback, and be true to yourself.
Related Topics Top 8 Women in Cryptocurrency Top Electric Shavers for Women Interesting Career in Big Data Steps that will Escalate your Career Get Job at Online Work SitesThe post 5 Inspiring Advice for Women Who Want to Work in the Tech Industry appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.