
Why and How to Use Instagram Bots for Promotion?

Instagram Bots for Promotion

Instagram bots, best time to post on Instagram.

If you have been running your Instagram account for a while, once or twice you’ve probably caught yourself on a thought that you need somehow speed up your promotion and gain more followers.

Believe me, you are not alone. All Instagram users start to think about it sooner or later. That’s why they use different methods, various tactics and all sorts of tools which are to help. Among these tools, Instagram bots stand out from the “crowd” most. What’s the reason? Let’s view all sides of a question.

Instagram Bots: what are they?

In a nutshell, bots are services for automated managing one’s IG promotion. They automate all the activity of your account ranging from automated likes to scheduling posts.  The reason for their popularity is that they introduce cutting edge algorithms which enable most precise targeting and activity within the limits that Instagram sets.

How can you use IG bot?

Implementing automation tool in your promotion campaign you can…

Like and follow more accounts: Automated liking and following option provides account noticeability increase, which leads to the growth of likes under your posts and the number of new real followers. The tactic is the next: IG bot on your behalf likes and follows other accs, and they will answer in kind. A bright outlook, right? Besides, there are bots which allow leaving likes even under the comments of your TA. That makes an even greater impression on your audience.

Comment on people’s posts: To enhance people’s trust and to maintain the high engagement rate you can use the function of automated comments sending out. You just have to write them well in advance. Be careful, write most common and pleasant comments, avoid direct advertising of your brand.

Plan your posts and automatically publish them: With IG bot you have a chance to schedule your content for automated posting. To find the best time to post on Instagram, think about who your TA is and in what time zone it lives, at what time of the day it is most active. 

Send DMs: To stay in touch with your people, to reach them in a more personalized manner, use IG bots’ function of sending of Direct Messages. You’d better write to every newcomer, greeting them. Moreover, when you send a special sale offer directly in DM, it has a more significant effect on your TA, and they are more likely to buy something from you, for sure.

Use hashtags generator: to create the most relevant hashtags for all your posts. I’m sure you are aware of all the advantages of using tags for promotion. The only point you should pay attention to is the frequency of use (popularity). No, it doesn’t mean you should pick out only popular tags (otherwise, your posts will be lost in the search.) Choose one or two popular ones, and a couple of less popular. Thus, the chance that your post will be noticed and appreciated will increase. In this case, the hashtag generator is a cool helper which artificial intelligence algorithms can generate tags by a photo or a keyword, or URL.

Observe account statistics: Automation tools provide statistics and analysis of each of your accounts. There you can see the number of likes per day, the number of follows and unfollows, number of comments, the activity in general. Some tools analyze the statistics and offer to track indexes of loyalty and people’s involvement. Take advantage of these privilege to upgrade your promotional strategy if needed.

If that was not enough to convince you, take a look at the main benefits that IG bots offer.

What are the Benefits?

  • Fast and strong performance: Almost all automation tools can boast with their performance speed. You get the first likes practically instantly, what is very appealing to most of us. The number of interactions conducted varies. Some bots are known for their “activity.” Thus, you see the first fruits of the promo in a couple of seconds. That’s important.
  • The economy of time: Using special tools to do the “dirty” work instead of you saves your time a lot. Only imagine, no need to search for your TA, interact with accounts, trying to draw their attention and provoke interest, no need in mind racing to come up with suitable hashtags, no need even post by yourself. You just place a matter in “algorithms” of IG bot, which promise you excellent results and account security.
  • Cost-cutting: Let’s be honest, bots are cheaper than people’s services. That’s why they were designed. Of course, if you want quality results, do not look for the cheapest automation tool.

I hope that by this article I managed to teach you how to use Instagram Bots for effective promotion. Now you decide whether to listen to me or not. But eventually, why not to try?

Read More:

  1. How to Get Unlimited Instagram Followers For Free
  2. Instagram for Businesses
  3. How to get Instagram Followers for Free

The post Why and How to Use Instagram Bots for Promotion? appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

* This article was originally published here

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