
4 Things to Know Before Buying Your Smartwatch

4 Things to Know Before Buying Your Smartwatch

There are higher chances that you are reading this article because you want to buy your first smartwatch. Well, if that’s not the case, you will also get some helpful things that you need to consider when you want to buy that wearable device you desire.

Before we start, we should let you know that this article has been prepared by John Smith the writer and author of “Best Chinese smartwatches”.

The smartwatch technology has seen a huge development and many manufacturers are busy finding ways to develop and market the best and reliable smartwatches for users. However, not all smartwatches are similar.

Some in the category of the fitness tracker technology and others are aimed to transfer notifications of alerts to your wrist from your smartphone.

Some have been designed to work untethered such that they can work independently from a smartphone helping you to make calls, send messages and give you directions while you don’t have your phone at your hands.

While designs and features count when it comes to buying a smartwatch, the main important function to buy one is to save time. You need a device that will help you receive messages, emails and control your music without having to reach out to your phone. For increased functioning, your smartwatch must be able to connect to your smartphone.

Once your smartwatch is connected to your smartphone, you can then enable the types of notifications that you would not want to miss.

This could be calls, messages, emails, news updates and more. Some smartwatches are designed to help you keep tabs on your health using the fitness tracker capability.

So what things do you need to know before you decide to make this costly investment?

Let’s dive in!

1. Compatibility

Some smartwatch models are designed to work autonomously while others work with all smartphones. In most cases, smartwatches are designed to work with smartphones. Compatibility is determines whether your smartwatch can work well with your smartphone.

In any case, if your smartwatch cannot connect to your smartphone, then it will not help you get the most out of your purchase. For instance, some smartwatches are designed to work only with iPhones so you must ensure to buy one that is compatible with your smartphone model.

Check to see the compatibility state of the smartwatch before you realize later after buying your smartwatch that it cannot be connected to your smartphone.

2. Notifications or alerts

Reaching out to your smartphone is always annoying and sometimes it feels exciting to have a device that will make it easy for you to receive all the notifications instead of taking out your phone in case of an incoming message, a call or a news update.

Some of the incoming calls are not worth answering immediately so it’s a waste of time to remove your smartphone out of your pocket especially when you are busy working on something else.

This is where a smartwatch comes in. It will help you receive all important updates and notification so you are relieved from having to take your phone out of your pocket. However, some smartwatches are designed to receive only specific notifications and alerts, therefore, ensure you buy one that can receive the notification that you don’t want to miss.

3. Battery Life

If there is a point that can make this article incomplete when it comes to buying your smartwatch, is the battery life factor. This is the driving factor of your smartwatch and is the most crucial consideration in a smartwatch.

Some smartwatch models are designed with bright color screens that can stay up to 2 days before the battery is depleted, however, others cannot last a day. It is important to check the duration the smartwatch can stay before you recharge the battery.

4. Additional Features

The best smartwatch should feature additional capabilities such as the ability to track your health via the fitness tracker as well as the heart rate sensor. Fitness tracking is in high demand currently and smartwatch manufacturers are developing devices that can help a lot in activity monitoring tasks.


There you have it. Note that buying a smartwatch is an expensive investment that comes with a lot of expectations, therefore, ensure you are clear of the important needs that you want out of your smartwatch so that you get the most out of your device.

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The post 4 Things to Know Before Buying Your Smartwatch appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Growth Hacking Tips for eCommerce Business

The term “Growth Hacking” has just recently come to limelight and has shot to fame exponentially seeing how it was coined in the year 2010 by Sean Ellis.

Many perceive growth hacking to be some sort of shortcut to online marketing success whereas it is simply a concept that stands on principles such as designing an astute strategy, employing intelligent marketing tactics and bringing to light some out of the box promotional tactics focused entirely on business growth.

As a matter of fact, growth hacking is not simply for small budget, small scale and on the rise businesses or products. The concept of growth hacking has made its way deep into our most conventional forms of marketing and is applicable to products and businesses of all sizes; including e-commerce businesses.

If we are to focus solely on eCommerce businesses, growth hacking is simply implementation and leveraging of the resources available at hand and appropriate usage of the said mediums to achieve business growth and success that results in revenue generation and growth.

Since e-commerce businesses lack the exposure that comes with a brick and mortar store and don’t really have a physical presence, their digital footprint is of utmost importance and the only driving factor of success.

In order to achieve this and unlock the true potential of your eCommerce business, you can deploy the following tips and tactics to achieve exponential business growth and success.

Simplify your Homepage

Being in marketing, you must’ve always come across the age old saying of how the first impression is the last. Well, it might be outdated, repetitive, obvious and downright annoying but this statement always has and always will be relevant wherever the core principles of marketing are discussed.

Speaking of first impressions, your homepage will always, always be the first impression of your website and your business. The homepage is the make or break point of a converting customer to just simply an addition in your bounce ratio.

Since it’s always a split second decision of whether to stay and explore or head to the next page, each element of the homepage needs to be pitch perfect and must have every conversion centric element associated within it.

The homepage should be uncluttered, conversion centric and straightforward. The customers that land on your website should be able to seamlessly browse through the homepage without confusion and should be able to navigate easily onto the other pages without getting lost.

Incorporate Strong Social Proof in your Marketing

Like it was mentioned earlier, e-commerce stores are at a disadvantage since they have no tangible storefront. People cannot look, feel and touch the content at sale on your website just like they cannot see all the order that are storming your store.

You won’t know whether the eCommerce store you are at presently has 2 visitors or 2 million. We all know stores overflowing with customers piques interest but that is not at all possible with an e-commerce store.

To curb the issue of isolation and feeling lost, Social Proof is one way you can make all your potential customers believe that there are other people interested in your brand, they like your product and have done business with you.

This influences new and potential customers and makes conversion that much easier. You can use several mediums such as customer reviews, testimonials, social media engagements and case studies to make your case.

According to research, the most effective social proof technique is one that includes audiovisual proof from an individual.

Spark and Leverage the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

A bit of manipulation of the consumer psyche that goes a long way is to create a sense of urgency and the fear of missing out. The way this can be done is by putting a time span on your sale offer (limited time offer), giving the deal or discounts to the first few customers or brand your sale as available only until stock lasts.

This triggers the FOMO concept (Fear of Missing Out) and can push your cause even further when you display the number of visitors online, or the number of people that have bought and/or used this product.

The fear of missing out on a product or offer increases the urgency and pushes the potential customer into a converting customer and will help you make a sale. These small tactics help customers make a purchase decision that much easier because they see the product slipping right out of their hands if they don’t act at the moment.

Make Use of Loyalty Schemes

Getting a customer to convert is no easy feat and it’s equally tough to get the customers to come again. Strictly from a cash flow perspective, loyal and returning customers generate far greater revenue as compared to first-time visitors because they are void of any customer acquisition cost.

According to research, recurring/ returning customers are likely to spend approximately 67% more than new customers.

Not only does it establish a channel of communication between you and your customers, it also makes your customers feel valued, appreciated and rewarded. For example, Air miles are a popular loyalty scheme that rewards frequent flyers with free flights, privileged status and frequent upgrades on their flights.

Another form of a loyalty scheme is one commonly used by internet service providers that reward your loyalty through discounted internet packages such as Xfinity Bundle Deals.

The sense of ownership, value and loyalty that you will instill by rewarding your loyal customers will go a long way and give you recurring business that will be worth much more than the reward.

Keep in mind that the loyalty program is a double-edged sword if the offer on the table is not worth the time for your customers. Giving a loyalty reward that is too little, insignificant and not of much value to your customers can become probable cause for your customers to abandon you and tarnish the reputation of your brand.

Convert Smartly and Simply

No one wants to go through a tedious purchase process. Who in their right minds likes to fill out form after form just to buy a product they like? This is the number one cause of abandoned carts. As many as 26% of visitors abandon their shopping cart if asked to register before they buy. Make sure that your sales funnel is as simple as possible and is not more than a 3 step process.

Although savvy email marketing campaigns allow for you to laser target your audience and give you the prospective customers that you need but you can lose them just as easily if your conversion process involves filling out long boring forms.

Ideally, any form on an eCommerce site should consist of a name, email, address and payment details field, nothing more.

Provide Customer Support

E-commerce stores can witness a dip in sales or not pick up sales at all if the consumers present on the site cannot get a hold of someone to answer their questions. Customers require a personalized and human touch in every transaction to push them just a little further to make that purchase. Simply incorporating a live chat service, a customer care line and answers to simple questions can go a long way in increasing your revenues.

As per research, visitors that engaged with the live chat feature were eight times more likely to convert as compared to non-chatting customers. According to the same survey, customers are 63% more likely to revisit a website with a live chat functionality and 38% mentioned that they made the purchase with the help of a live chat assistant.

Test the Website Periodically

Your eCommerce website needs to undergo technical testing every once in a while to ensure that it is in top working order and has no flaws and need to make sure that your local cable service are top-notch in order to prevent a decrease in sales, growth and rankings. Be it the load speed, A/B testing or just the overall functionality of the website.

Your website should be able to load in just 3 seconds, every second after that will increase your bounce rate. Did you know that a second’s delay in load time can boost your bounce rate by up to 7%? If your website does not load within 3 seconds, as many as 40% of the people will move on to another.

This is the reason why speed is of the essence and why periodic technical testing of your website is a must so as to not be a hindrance in your growth and revenue.


Growth Hacking, just like all other forms of marketing is a process of trial and error and requires constant effort, innovation and exemplary execution for it to work to the best of its abilities.

Make sure that whatever tactic or a combination of strategies that you are using are in-line with the industry standard practice and have creative elements associated within them. Great UI/UX, customer support, your digital footprint are all contributing factors to your digital success and are equally important so make sure to not be negligent of any of them.

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The post Growth Hacking Tips for eCommerce Business appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Guide on Writing a Scientific Case Study with Analytical Elements

There are two tasks related to dealing with a case study — either you have to create a scientific project and present it, or you have to analyse an existing scientific case study or most probably, several case studies. To make things easy for you, we have combined tips on dealing with these assignments. Bookmark this article, and have it close when you receive another task of writing a scientific case study.

Scientific Case Study Writing Guide 1. Follow Requirements to the Dot

This advice may sound a little too obvious, as most probably you are rather diligent and already attentive when writing case studies and other academic papers. However, lots of students keep making the same mistake — they look for free scientific cases online and try to copy them and adding more relevant information.

Sometimes the result looks rather decent, but the problem is almost every college, or university have their own requirements towards case studies not only in terms of formatting but also in terms of analysis, outlines, etc.

If you don’t want to re-do it all over again in extreme hurry, make sure to read instructions carefully and check on them consistently while writing a professional case study on scientific topics.

2. Set Aside Enough Time for Problem Statement

Usually, people do not see absolutely any difficulties in writing the statement of the problem. 95% of cases are randomly based on the “relevance of the chosen topic”, i.e. consisting a certain amount of water sufficient for observing the ritual of justification of the student’s activities.

It is believed that the problem is indicated already in the very title of the future work. The fact is that we are trying to make our lives easier by making a quiet substitution of the subject of research with the object of research.

An object is what we intend to study (for example, the phenomenon of unemployment or poverty). And the subject is an indication of a special problem that we are going to present, and if you make enough effort, then solve it.

3. Narrow Down and Limit the Object of the Research

Recalling the words of E. Hemingway about fiction, we can make an assumption that the quality of the research project is determined not by what was included, but by what wasn’t included. You should write as much as you can about the limitations.

For example, to say only that we are going to study unemployment, and stop on that — means to make an unfortunate mistake. For we made only the very first indication of the object.

Next, you must enter territorial restrictions, chronological restrictions, etc. Narrow specification of the object is necessary, first of all, because the outsider will finally understand what we are going to explore.

Secondly, the restriction of the object makes our case study look much more realistic. A normal expert assessing the project thinks like this: “If a person has taken into account a lot of restrictions, then he (she) has sufficient understanding of the object and will be able to accomplish the task.”

Analysis of the Scientific Case Study

To determine the components of the scientific effectiveness of project implementation you should consider the following groups of indicators:

publications based on the results of the project (number of publications in refereed journals); the impact of project results on the development of fundamental and applied research in the implementation of the project, and other scientific organizations the number of internal and external projects, the type of work on the continuation of the subject in the executing organization and other organizations the type of funding source for continuing research in the implementing organization and other organization); protection of intellectual property.

To characterize innovation efficiency, the following groups of indicators are used:

evaluation of the results of the project as a basis for carrying out applied research, aimed at creation of scientific and technical products or services; developments carried out based on the results of the project; the need for research and development in related, non-core areas prior to the creation of scientific and technical products or services.

Based on the topic of the case study there may be more options for analysis — social, demographic, ecological, etc. Approach this part of the assignment creatively, add your own analytical questions and you will come up with a stellar result.

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The post Guide on Writing a Scientific Case Study with Analytical Elements appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Reasons Why Your Email Marketing Campaign Fail

Communicating with clients, customers, and targets have proven to be an effective way of growing your business size, customer base, increase sales and profit – even more than social media. In fact, you can use Email marketing to achieve almost anything you set out to use it for in your business. However, marketing via Email will yield the right result only if done the right way.

Why Email Marketing Campaign Fail

There are many components that make email marketing successful: choice of strategy; choice of service provider; subject line and a couple of other factors. Again, Email is super effective, and it works. If it isn’t doing bringing changes to your business, then you are doing certain things wrong.

This post aims to highlight some reason why your Email marketing strategy has been falling flat.

Why Email Marketing Campaign Fail

Email Marketing Strategy

Failing to Segment Your Email List

You finally have a couple of hundreds or thousands of subscribers on your Email list, you are happy. Better yet, subscriber counts keep increasing, you get happier. You are clouded by this excitement so you start sending the same email you send to your subscriber of 8-months to the one who only just subscribed 2 hours ago.

Segment your mail list and personalize the messages you send to each segment. You can read more on personalization, segmentation and doing it right in this article.

Sending Content of Little or No value

While the end game of your email marketing strategy may be to increase sales and profit, it makes no sense to bombard your subscribers with contents that will add little or zilch value to them. Mails containing deals, discounts and events are vital and important, but spice things up. Send a mail to that customer who recently bought a shirt on your website, embed an insightful article you saw online on how best he can combine his new shirt with a pant (which you sell).

Make your content all about the customer. If the content proofs useful, they’ll keep coming back and it becomes a win-win. However, if you keep bugging your customers with contents of less value, your email list may suffer a huge blow. Worse: a failed email marketing campaign.

Poorly Constructed Subject Line

You know that proverbial “cover” that we are always advised not to judge a book by, that’s “subject line” to email marketing. Truth be told, many still judge a book by its cover, same way the fate of a mail is decided by the subject line. It’s understandable though, people are (not impatient) but busy. Benchmark reports that an office worker receive about 121 emails every single day.

If you do not want your mails to be “Marked as Read” like I do to a couple of mails that don’t catch my attention, your subject line better be good…and catchy! Avoid certain words and phrases as they could land your mail in your subscribers spam folder. You can check out a couple of effective subject line you can take a cue from and adopt to your campaign.

Oversaturation of Information

Believe me, no one wants to read a newspaper page in their mail. Do not bulk up your contents because you want the subscriber to get a clearer picture of the message you are aim to convey. This is where your summary skill come to play. If you performed poorly in summary classes in English while in high school, there’s no need to be worried. There are certain email marketing service providers that ensure your contents are of optimal length. You can check out the best of them here.


If you plan to send out contents to your subscribers on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, stick to your timing. If you do it too frequently, especially if it lacks value, you most likely will irritate your subscribers. Do it scarcely and be forgotten. Find a balance and stick to it.


The period you send a mail is a great determining factor as to whether your mail will be opened/read or not. Weidert says mails sent on the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) tend to have the best click-through rate (9%). In addition, 6:00AM is also reported to be the highest click-through period.

These timing and period may not work for you or your business, but testing out different timings and period to see which is optimal is a surefire way to find what best rocks your boat.

The above reasons are some why your email marketing campaign may be failing. Take a current from them and ride your way to a successful ride with email.

The post Reasons Why Your Email Marketing Campaign Fail appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

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