
Gaming Laptop vs Desktop – Which Should I Choose?

Gaming Laptop vs Desktop – Which Should I Choose?

Gaming laptops have recently come into the discussion; With the release of more and more powerful & compact computer hardware, Gaming laptops could be a viable option.

If you wanted to get a gaming laptop a few years ago, You would have found some decent ones weighing as much as 9 kilograms. Thought these laptops almost competed with the best gaming computers in the market, but their weight completely kills the idea of having a laptop.

In the recent times, Technology has advanced, and this is not the case anymore. You can find excellent gaming laptops without having to carry a box that weighs 9 kilograms. The questions we are going to focus on in this write up is weather laptops are a viable solution for portable gaming in 2018.

Let’s learn about the advantages and disadvantages of gaming on a laptop compared to a desktop.

Desktop vs Laptop for gaming

The main heat producing components in a computer, i.e. CPU and GPU have a difference in the mobile and desktop variations. A laptop variant of GTX 1080 is not capable of competing with the performance of desktop version. These differences are intentional because of cooling limitations enforced by a laptop.

Ryan from GamingInMyDNA says:

“Laptops are not a great idea if it’s bought solely for gaming. A desktop is far superior in every aspect when it comes to gaming.”

Jimmy from PCGamer concludes: 

“With the freedom to easily swap out components, coupled with the power they offer, it’s clear the desktop PC isn’t going anywhere.”


If you are on a budget and looking to buy a new computer for gaming, It’s best to go with a desktop. Desktop hardware is not only cheaper but also allows for ultimate customizability. New parts launch every once in a while and having an option to upgrade/change them is essential.

On the other hand, If you are not much concerned about the budget, Laptops are still not the optimal choice for gaming. There are plenty of laptops available which will allow you to run all latest games but they are insufficient in the aspect of upgradability.


Getting a laptop will save you the hassle of putting all parts together. They come all ready to use. On the other hand, Putting together a desktop is time-consuming and involves an amount of risk regarding part failure. It’s not a reason to not build a computer but surely something to keep in mind, If you are not familiar with hardware and how it works, It’s better to hire someone to assemble the computer for you.

Price to Performance ratio

Desktops are comparatively much cheaper. You can build a decent desktop for $500 while a laptop in the price range would come with outdated parts.


This is a clear victory for a laptop; This is what they are designed for.

What’s Best for you?

Gaming laptops are sure not a bad option especially if you travel and lot and like to game once in a while. These surely aren’t the optimal solution there is; Desktops are way superior and feasible when it comes to better performance. Which one is better for you? It’s not that complicated to figure it out; It’s largely dependent on the kind of use. The following questions will help you make a decision.

Do you travel a lot? What kind of games do you like to play?

If you travel a lot, It’s simply killing the idea of having a desktop; The options are narrowed down by a lot. You can get a gaming laptop, but they are usually not very comfortable if you plan to work on them as well. Smaller and compact laptops are generally surely enhanced the productivity. So what options are you left with?

Handheld Console

This kind of consoles constitutes Playstation portable, Nintendo switch, which are very capable of running latest games. Using these consoles will limit the accessibility to several game titles, but it’s good enough to full-fill hobby.

If you don’t travel much, There is no reason to get a laptop. Sure they consume a lot lesser space, but they can limit the hardware upgradability and customizability. New gaming hardware releases every once in a while; If you get a laptop, Your options are strictly limited while with a desktop, You can upgrade anything anytime you wish at a very affordable price.

Another factor is that while gaming, You will need an external gaming mouse, mousepad, headphones and sometimes even a keyboard. Moreover, these laptops also tend to release a lot of heat while gaming, This makes them completely unusable unless you have a proper setup.

The verdict

Laptops are very capable of running high-end games while being very portable but they come at a very hefty price tag and require several accessories to provide you with a better gaming experience.

The post Gaming Laptop vs Desktop – Which Should I Choose? appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Best eCommerce Practice to Drive more Sales in 2018

Like any other business, an ecommerce store has to work hard to bring visitors and sales on their website from different channels (Organic, Direct, Referral & Paid).  The success of any ecommerce business depends on its marketing strategy, market trend and user behaviour. An Ecommerce owner must be aware of these strategies and stay connected with the real world to explore new trends and technologies to drive more sales.

Generally, based on the customer, there are two types of ecommerce site: B2B and B2C. There are various marketing channels available for these types of business. However, working on every marketing channels is time-consuming and worthless.

Before outlining any marketing strategy, first understand your business nature and customer behavior. When you understand the business nature and audience, you can easily outline an effective marketing strategy and select channel to bring sales. In this article, we will cover trending marketing strategy that improves sales, includes on-page and off page recommendation.

Keyword and Topic Research:

Keywords are the sets of words that a user type to get desire result in search engine and ecommerce site. To improve your product visibility, use most appropriate keywords in your home, product and category pages.

Buy, Best, Cheap, Save, Offers & Discount are the most common eye-catching keywords. Do proper research using online tools like Google Keyword Planner.

keywords research

Make sure the keywords match your product nature, you can also use long tail & related words. Make a list of keywords and use in your onsite and promotion content. Some popular types of keywords types are.

Broad Match: “buy latest mobile phones” Phrase Match: “where to buy latest mobile phones at affordable price” Exact Match: “buy iPhone 10” Negative match: “free mobile phones” Use Optimize Product Title & Descriptions:

Write an eye-catching product title, and highlight the most relevant keyword at the beginning of the sentence. A product or page title is the first things that a user sees, when they land on a page. Adding Call to action keywords like Buy, Shop, Save & Discount keywords encourage the customer to take action.

Optimize Product Title & Descriptions

Start your product description with most highlighted specification and feature. Understand your customer persona, and mention the most demanding feature in the description like benefits, specification, how to use, etc. Some important elements of product description are.

Product technical specification Product size Delivery information Product Usage Offers Use Social Media:

Social media and ecommerce work parallel, and growing at rapid pace. Nowadays, social media platforms are the best place to interact with a new & existing audience. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ are some of the well known social media channels. These channels work as networking chain between customer and seller.

Social Media of Social Media

Various ways are available, to keep your social media user engage. However, first understand the most engaging social media platform used by your targeted audience.

Share Product with Image Share useful information Share Offers Share videos Share How to Videos or Post Answer customer query. Building trust with SSL Security:

Trust and security is something mandate for an e-commerce website. When an online business is unable to build trust among their customers, it will be tough for them to grow traffic and boost sales.

For enhancing trust on the e-commerce store, SSL certificate is something which is imperative. You can buy wildcard SSL certificate to secure all your subdomains hosted under the primary domain.

Installing Wildcard SSL Certificate offers many benefits to the website such as green padlock icon & site seal. It enhances customer trust, confidence and builds the relationship. Many resellers like Cheap SSL Shop provide Cheap wildcard SSL certificate, where it`s pricing starts from $63 per year.

Optimize Product Images:

The first thing any buyer notices is the product images. Optimized product images are considered an important sales factor for any e-commerce site. Make sure the products images are compelling, high-quality, easy to load, and eye-catching.

You can add more value to your image by filling the ALT tag with rich keywords to help Google Images locate your product. It also allows bots to find and understand products easily.

A/B Test and all through:

A/B testing is an online experiment method, which helps a marketer to measure two sets of variables.

Generally, A/B testing is used to measure onsite and offsite content campaign, web page quality, landing page design, ad text, call-to-action and other variation. The primary benefits of A/B testing are.

Improve Page Quality Increase interaction & conversion Reduce page error and conversion hurdles. Improve Analysis Quality Reduce Risk Elements.

A/B testing are highly used by popular companies to optimize the performance of their ads. Sony Europe used A/B testing experiment method through Optimizely to improve their banner ads performance, Click Through Rate & Shopping Cart adds.

Focus on Quality Backlinks:

Getting ranked on desired keywords and conversion is very tough. In this competitive environment, link building is the best technique to improve ranking position, attract more visitors and boost sales. The major types of link building techniques are

Business Listing Content Marketing Social Media

Content marketing is the most influencing source of any link building promotion. Various types of content marketing are available to reach different sets of the audience, and informative, how-to, tutorial, news, and branding content are one of them.

Final Draft:

Ecommerce marketing strategies are full of research and experience. Start your strategy with necessary activities and keep watching on latest market trend. Always, measure your existing plan with online tools and experiment, and keep updating if required. Use online forum and discussion portal to get the relevant answer to your query.

Read More:

E-commerce Dos and Don’ts for Business Owners 4 Ecommerce Trends Everyone Should Pay Attention in 2018 15 Tools to Boost Your Content Marketing in 2018

The post Best eCommerce Practice to Drive more Sales in 2018 appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

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