
How to Transfer Music Files from and to Apple devices?

How to Transfer Music Files from and to Apple devices?
iTunes Store

Apple Inc developed iTunes. It was announced 9 January 2001. It is a media player, MDMA (Mobile Device Management Application), music downloader, music manager and a media library.

It is used for playing, downloading, and organizing music. It is also used to transfer music and video files on Apple devices and computers running the Windows Operating system.

iTunes works together with the iTunes Store. You buy the digital files (music or video files) you play in iTunes from the iTunes Store.

So, iTunes is a software that gives you access to your purchased digital file, it can be a music file or video file, on your device.

The main aim for developing iTunes was to make a music downloader, music manager and a music library for saving and managing your music collection.

History of iTunes:

iTunes earlier name was SoundJam MP. Casady & Greene developed it in 1998. Apple later bought it in 2000 and renamed it ‘iTunes.’

The original developers didn’t leave the company; instead, they moved on to Apple to develop and improve the user interface.

Earlier, the software could record music/video files, but later, they removed it.

In 2010, Apple along with Microsoft announced that they would be bringing the iTunes to the Microsoft Store so that, it will be available for Windows users also. However, it was released in Microsoft Store by Apple in April 26, 2018.

In April 2010, Apple announced the iTunes with podcasts support enabled. With this update of iTunes, users were able to subscribe to others podcast and manage to control their own podcasts frequency.

In iPhone, iTunes is required for activation. It can also be used for backup and restore in Apple devices.

How to transfer music b/w Apple devices using iTunes?

Apple users many times want to transfer files between their computer and their iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. But, for beginners, they find it hard to do so.

In this post, we have divided the tutorial into two sections: one section will contain information to transferring files from your computer to your Apple smartphone and the second section will provide information on transferring files from moving data from Apple smartphone to your computer.

Prerequisites: The latest version of iTunes, Download Here latest Mac OS version or Windows OS (at least Windows 7). Apple smartphone with the latest iOS version. iOS app to share files. Transferring files from your Computer to your Apple device: You have first to select a file sharing app which will be used to transfer files across your computer and your Apple device. To select a file sharing app, follow these simple steps: Open the iTunes app in your Windows pc or Mac. Connect your Apple device with your computer using a USB Cable. Select your device in iTunes. On the left side of the window, click on the file sharing app present in your device. Now, select the files and documents in the iTunes app in your PC. iTunes will copy the selected data to your file sharing app in your Apple smartphone. Transferring files from your Apple device to your Computer: Select the file sharing app in the iTunes. Now, select the files of your Apple device from the file sharing app you want to copy. Then, click save.

How to copy music/video files from your iPhone/iPad/iPod to iTunes library without generating duplicates?

(Same steps in the steps 2 of the section of Transferring files from your computer to your Apple device.)

Open the iTunes app in your Windows pc or Mac. Connect your Apple device with your computer using a USB Cable. Select your device in iTunes. On the left side of the window, click on the file sharing app present in your device. How to transfer files between the Android device and iTunes? Download ‘Move to IOS app’ in your Android from Google Play store. Click on ‘Move Data from Android’ in the ‘Apps and Data’ screen in your Apple device. Click continue on both machines. On your Android device type the 12-digit code displayed on your Apple device. Now, your Android device will connect with your Apple device via Wifi connection. Now, select the files from your Android device and then click on transfer to start transferring the data from your Android device to your Apple device. How to Backup or Restore your iTunes library? Open iTunes. Click on File > Library > Organize Library, then, select ‘consolidate files’ and ok. In windows, click on Edit > Preferences. In Mac, click on iTunes> Preferences. Then, Click the Advanced tab. In the “iTunes Media folder location,” select the location of your iTunes Media folder. In windows, it is ‘\Users\username\Music\’. In Mac, it is ‘\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\.’ Now, make a Backup of your iTunes folder. To make the backup of your iTunes folder, find your iTunes folder and then, drag and drop that folder in your external hard drive. To restore: Quit iTunes and then click connect your external drive with your computer. Now, import the iTunes backup file from your external drive to your internal drive. Now, open the iTunes app and press Option key (Mac) or Shift key (Windows) simultaneously while opening the iTunes app. Now, Choose iTunes Library, and then click Choose Library. Select the backup file from your internal drive. Fixing iTunes Library with a powerful toolbox:

We will be using a third-party tool called ‘KeepVid Music’. This tool will automate the process of fixing your iTunes library for you. It is one of the best third-party tool available till date. This tool was developed by Wondershare.

This software is available for download for both Windows and Mac users.

Just download this tool and then launch it. After syncing it with iTunes, it will automatically display all the contents in your iTunes library.

To Fix Your Tag Information: Click on toolbox present in the top navigation bar of the KeepVid Music app. Now select the option ‘CLEAN UP ITUNES LIBRARY’. Now a window will pop-up and then select the missing tags and click on Fix. To Remove Duplicate Tracks from Your Library: Click on the DELETE DUPLICATE SONGS option. Now, all the duplicate songs in your iTunes library will pop up. Select all the songs you want to delete and then click on DELETE DUPLICATES. To Fix the Missing Album Covers: Click on Missing Covers option. Then a list of all the tracks without a cover will be displayed. Then, click on GET COVERS. All the covers will be updated. Click on save. To Fix All Tags At A Time: Click on scan button. A list of all the tracks which needs to be fixed will be displayed. Then, click on the fix button. All the tracks will be fixed automatically.

Read More:

Tuneskit iPhone Data Recovery for Mac Review How to Speed up Data Transfer to and from External Drive PC Migration Software for Business

The post How to Transfer Music Files from and to Apple devices? appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Adapt or Die: How to Remain an Agile Marketer in a Constantly Evolving Digital Marketplace
Adapt or Die: How to Remain an Agile Marketer in a Constantly Evolving Digital Marketplace

It seems like every company is hopping on the agile bandwagon. From web design to marketing to production and manufacturing, the agile approach is staking its claim in the digital world. But is it a sustainable approach when technology is evolving at the speed of light?

For all the time- and money-saving benefits that agile processes bring to the table, it’s not without its complications, and those complexities are only compounded by how rapidly the digital marketplace is changing.

The Baseline of Agile Marketing

The agile movement began in software development to create faster deployment, accurate testing, transparency, predictability, and the ability to adapt to change.

It didn’t take marketers long to recognize its benefits in their own industry. In fact, 23% of senior marketers have experienced first-hand success with agile practices.

As a result, agile marketing provides a framework that allows companies to continually source data and analytics to capitalize on “in the moment” opportunities and solve issues in real time.

In action, agile marketing’s approach is defined by short-term experiments, ongoing feedback, and reacting promptly to shifts in market conditions.

When implemented properly, marketing departments are able to run a larger number of campaigns at any given time without compromising quality or results, while also generating new ideas on a regular basis.

It’s precisely the recipe that we need in today’s fast-paced, digitally driven environment.

Why It Works, and Why It Doesn’t

Does agile work for marketing? The answer is yes. And no.

Despite the fact that 87% of Agile CMOs have seen a productivity increase after switching to an agile method, it takes a certain amount of planning and finesse to make it effective.

Finding Success with Agile Marketing

Like any other approach to marketing, agile’s success relies heavily on the way in which it’s executed. There are a variety of prerequisites companies must check off before agile marketing can effectively work.

For starters, companies must be clear on what they want to achieve with an agile approach. There must be a reason for switching to an agile method, because such a shift can create gaping holes in your strategy if you aren’t prepared.

Also, you must have the right data, infrastructure, and analytics in place to achieve those goals. Not capturing the right information at the right time can lead to complete dysfunction.

Finally, you must have the buy-in and commitment from company leaders and team members for ongoing support. It is the team that carries the commitment to become agile, not the decisions of leadership to pursue an agile strategy.

But in turn, it’s also the leaders that will be supporting the decisions made by the marketing team and must understand how marketing is aligned with the overall initiatives of the company.

The Challenges with Agile Marketing

The term is becoming increasingly popular, so much so that many marketing departments may believe they’re already working according to the agile methodology because they use a “test and learn” approach or leverage cross-team functions.

But below the surface, most departments may realize they’re only partly agile, which means they will only see part of the benefits.

One example is the fact that most marketing departments do not have adequate support of legal, accounting, or IT, so budget allocations, back-end functions, and approvals can be delayed.

Or, the agency and third-party vendors aren’t aligned on their needs and can’t deploy ideas fast enough.

The truth remains: if you’re not completely agile, then you’re not agile.

But this, too, has its flaws. Companies eager to latch onto agile benefits make the mistake of trying to transform their entire department into an agile one all at once.

Rather, picking one or two areas to test the agile waters can help you achieve a total transformation faster and more successfully than planning a single shift.

It’s about choosing a project or area that you can continue to improve the outcomes over time.

How to Respond to Digital Changes with Agile Marketing

Perhaps the biggest challenge facing agile marketing departments is the organization’s ongoing ability to scale their efforts in the face of rapidly evolving digital media.

There isn’t a marketing department today that hasn’t been somehow affected by speed-of-light changes in technology that forces them to greatly tweak their strategy or pursue another avenue altogether.

But that’s exactly the core purpose of agile marketing, and it’s poised to be the best defense against a rapidly evolving digital market.

Marketing activities are getting increasingly complex and time-consuming. Between daily doses of social media engagement, writing content, creating marketing material for products and lead nurturing, and sifting through the resulting data, there isn’t much time or energy left to apply strategic thinking to the hands-on activities.

Agile’s goal is to bring process and structure to all aspects of marketing to help companies maximize resources and provide focus and direction. Because there’s a new social network, SEO hack, or Google algorithm update popping up daily (or so it seems), simply keeping all the changes in line and marketing brains sane are real challenges.

In the chaotic world of digital noise, agile can be the redeeming quality in marketing departments that allows you to give purpose to everything you’re doing – as well as noticeable, tangible results.

All it takes is ongoing commitment and a well-planned journey to the finish line.

Is Agile the Future of Marketing?

If you’re not already running agile, there’s never been more incentive to begin. Nearly 80% of marketers report being understaffed and overloaded, and agile could a feasible solution to combat these effects. The digital marketing landscape is only becoming more complex, as are the challenges that come along with it.

Your best chance of adapting to an agile method is to hire a coach that can help you make the transition. Coaches can usually be the difference between success and frustration while also saving you time and money in the long term. Their role will eventually wane as you strengthen your grasp on agile concepts and can pilot them yourself.

As digital technology continues to expand, agile looks to be the only way to evolve with it. The time to adapt is now, especially as competition ramps up and building a real growth process is further complicated by technology. It works at scale, but be prepared for a bumpy, thoughtfully-planned journey to take you to the end result.

Author: Benjamin Shepardson is the founder of NoStop Ghost Writing, a Key West-based content agency specializing in delivering personalized experiences. With an extensive digital career dating back to before social media and WordPress, Ben personally works with clients to craft a content strategy that will scale and grow their business. Follow him on Twitter at @nostop_content

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The post Adapt or Die: How to Remain an Agile Marketer in a Constantly Evolving Digital Marketplace appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

What To Look For In A Gaming Chair
What To Look For In A Gaming Chair

If you’re considering buying a gaming chair, it isn’t just as easy as popping into your nearest store and picking the first one you see. There are so many different types of gaming chair on the market that it can be all too easy to make an expensive mistake.

That’s why we’re bringing you our expert tips so you can make the right decision to suit you. Here are the top things to keep in mind before you buy.

Chair Type

Gaming Chair

There are lots of different types of gaming chair on the market.

Some are rockers, with an L-shape and an arched back which lets you recline and rock as you play. You can also sit close to your screen for full immersion in the action.

Alternatively, you might want a gaming racer fully equipped with pedals and steering wheels for a more realistic experience if you’re a fan of racing games and flight simulations.

Pedestal chairs could be a great choice for a higher vantage point and swivelling since you’ll be able to get a clearer view of your game. Which one is right for you depends on your preferences and playing style.

System Compatibility

Some chairs are compatible with every games console while others are only suitable for use with a single model. Make sure you choose the right one for your own console type.

Inbuilt Features

There are lots of different features which may be found in gaming chairs. Some have headrest speakers to turn your chair into a surround-sound system for a more immersive experience.

Others have Bluetooth and wireless audio connectivity so you can run sound without any cords to trip you up.

Some have vibrating features so you can really feel the gameplay while others feature rubber wheels so your floors won’t get scratched, audio jacks and cup holders. You’ll need to decide which of these features are essential for you.

Ease Of Maintenance

Gaming chairs can be made of different materials and may have different types of upholstery. You need to ensure that your chair won’t be a pain to look after in the long-term.

Leather covered chairs are often the easiest to clean since they can just be wiped down with a damp cloth as and when necessary.

On the other hand, they may cause you to sweat excessively, and a wicking fabric might be a better idea for you.

Some gaming chairs have removable seat pads which can then be washed and fixed back onto the chair again for easier cleaning and maintenance.

Finding the right one for you is really a matter of personal preference.


While the gaming features are important, comfort is equally vital. You need to consider where you’ll be using your chair and what you’ll use it for.

Do you need it to reach your desk? Do you need adjustable height for the seat or armrests?

Do you need additional lumbar support to protect you from back pain? Do you need additional cushioning for extra comfort or breathable fabric so you won’t sweat too much as you play?

Consider Quality

The cheapest chairs aren’t always the best choice. After all, they’re likely to be made from poor quality materials and won’t stand the test of time.

The most expensive chairs may not be necessary for you though – you may not need so many features for your playing needs. Always choose the best chair you can afford.

A mid-range chair is often ideal and will boast enough features to keep you happy and comfortable without costing you the earth.

There are lots of different models featured on Officeworthylist.com so you’re sure to find one that fits in your budget and which can supply you with everything you need to enjoy fantastic gameplay at home.

With all of these factors in mind, you’re sure to find the perfect gaming chair to suit your needs.

Whether you’re looking for a chair to sit in front of your PC or one for your TV screen, our top tips will help you to make the right choice without making an expensive purchasing error that will cause you a lot of hassle in the long run.

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The post What To Look For In A Gaming Chair appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

How to get a Mobile Phone Loan Online easily?
a mobile phone loan online easily

With the booming rise and growth in the world of technology and the internet, people are opting for easier modes of payment for everything they buy – either online or even offline.

All that aside, mobile phones have become a very important part of our day to day lives, from making calls to making payments, everything right under our fingertips. With the constant rise of e-commerce business, people prefer buying these devices on online platforms rather than opting for the offline stores.

If you have been looking for ways to get your hands on the newly launched MoneyTap’s mobile on EMI service. They offer 100% digital finance for smartphones (in fact for any purchase above Rs. 3000) where customers have instant access to credit line 24×7 anytime, anywhere via the MoneyTap instant loan app.

Choose the Device:

You can’t just up and buy a random mobile phone on EMI online. It is quite important to do an extensive research first and select the phone with the best specifications, latest operating system and even the best RAM and internal storage.

Choose one that aligns to the kind of budget you can afford and move forward accordingly. It is extensively important to look for multiple device reviews and get the one with the best reviews because you don’t want to end up in regret.

Choose the EMI Plan:

Once you have chosen the mobile phone that you want to buy, the next thing you need to do is select the EMI option that seems to work best for you.

While the least paying EMIs tend to have an easy impact on your monthly account every single month, the same will end up eating the maximum amount of interest which is why it is best to avoid the least paying EMI and opt for the ones that will end in a few months and maximum, a year.

Making it easy:

Let us see the breakdown for ourselves, shall we?

Take iPhone X for example. The price of the phone in India is INR 74,999 on Amazon India.

Calculating the interest based on 13% per annum, the interest price against the phone is INR 9,749.87.

The total amount then comes down to INR 74,999+ INR 9,749.87 = INR 84,748.87 and with the EMI plan that’s just around INR 7,000~ a month.

These easy steps can actually help you plan out your process of buying a mobile phone online without any kind of added hassle.

If you are considering buying a mobile phone on EMI, consider MoneyTap for the process.

The website is known for providing instant approval and that too for a very lowered rate of interest which you won’t get anywhere else.

They also have flexible EMI options which can help you choose the best one according to the plans best suited for your budget.


Once the EMI plan is decided, the last thing you need to do is a place your order successfully and for that, you need to place your mobile phone in the cart and go to checkout.

There, enter the address and select the mode of payment, punch in your bank account details for the EMI and the rest is sorted.

The only thing to ensure is that the website requires valid identification proof to ensure the authenticity of the process.

Read More:

How to Buy a Mobile Phone Best Android Phones – Price & Specs Buy Original mobile phones avoid fakes – tips

The post How to get a Mobile Phone Loan Online easily? appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Is HP Envy 13 is Best Laptop for Mechanical Engineering Students ?
HP Envy 13

If you have been looking for best laptop for mechanical engineering students  then this HP Envy 13 could be your perfect choice. This is a perfect alternative for Dell XPS 13 if you prefer HP over Dell.

The HP Envy 13 has a beautiful 13.3-inch full HD touchscreen display which looks extremely gorgeous. The bezels in the display are very minimal but HP has decided to keep the top bezels as usual due to webcam placement.

Keep in mind that this display may not be suitable for outdoor use because there is a lot of screen reflection.

The laptop has premium build quality which does justify its price. This HP Envy is very slim and weighs only 2 lbs (0.9 kg). This is one of the best lightweight laptops for mechanical engineering students in my opinion.

What’s Inside

You’ll get 256GB PCIe NVMe M.2 SSD and 8GB DDR3 memory. Though this laptop doesn’t have a lot of storage and RAM, but it still performs smoothly.

You won’t have any complaints regarding the performance of this machine because it comes with a powerful processor i.e Intel Core i7-8550U which does an amazing job while handling most of the tasks with ease.

Just to let you know, this isn’t a gaming machine at all. It comes with Integrated GPU i.e Intel UHD Graphics 620 which can play less demanding games at moderate frame rates.

The ports you’ll find on HP Envy 13 are two USB 3.1 ports, two USB-C 3.1 and micro SD card reader.

HP claims to gives 12 hours of battery life in video playback (or I would say moderate usage). But according to Monica, you can expect around 8 hours of battery life which isn’t bad at all.

HP Envy 13 Key Specs Screen Size: 13.3 Inches. Storage: 256GB SSD. RAM: 8GB DDR3 RAM. Processor: Intel Core i7-8550U Graphics card: Intel UHD Graphics 620 (Integrated) Operating System: Windows 10. Weight: 2 lbs. Related to Laptops HP 255 G6 HP 250 G6 Laptop Prices in Nigeria HP EliteBook 820 G3 Cheap Laptops Best Laptop Deals HP Laptop Prices Best Laptops HP Laptops Best Laptops for Students

The post Is HP Envy 13 is Best Laptop for Mechanical Engineering Students ? appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Top 3 Managed AWS Services in 2018
Top 3 Managed AWS Services

There are very few firms that provide actual cloud computing services, AWS by Amazon is one of them. However there are hundreds of resellers selling cloud computing services in the market.

In this article, we will take you through a brief introduction on AWS services, and offer top 3 best managed AWS services, and so much more.

In case you haven’t figured it out yes, AWS is short for Amazon Web Services and is the generic name for Amazon’s suite of cloud computing services.

As per a recent report from Markets and international dailies, the managed services market will grow from $138.27 billion (US) in 2016 to $257.84 billion in 2022, with an Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.1%. So this is a growing market and a popular one too!

The list below are some of the most famous independent cloud MSPs. The articles do not permit us to mention every one of them, but we have tried our best to enlist the best service providers. The list is computed in no chronological order.

1)  Accenture

First one in the list is Accenture. It is associated with more than 30,000 as service professionals and offers a variety of services under AWS and Azure consulting services.

This is said to be the best service provider on the list. It has been certified by both Amazon and Microsoft respectively to offer optimized center based dashboard and automation of cloud-based services.

The association of Microsoft and Accenture has a special name called as Avenade. Accenture has been in the industry for more than half a decade and is the leader in the market.

2) Cloudticity

Second one in the rundown is Cloudticity  and its a committed social insurance services provider that plans, manufactures, oversees, and has HIPAA-compliant applications on AWS.

Cloudticity solutions incorporate patient portals, wellbeing data trades, versatile wellbeing commitment stages, telemedicine solutions, Big Data examination and the sky is the limit from there.

It holds records in excess of 100 million patients all while keeping up full HIPAA consistence for protection.

3) Cognizant

Third and last one on the list is said to be highest rated by its customers from all over the globe. The company we are talking about is a spinoff of Dan and Bradstreet named as Cognizant.

It has an integrated slack called SMAC where they manage the computer, social, mobile, and cloud computing all at once to provide an all in one service to its customers.

Maybe, that is the reason why it makes the highest rated amongst the customers.

That is it from us on the part of top 3 AWS, and Azure service providers and the list has been curated after looking into different views of experts and publications across the globe.

Final Words –

In this article, we have taken you through a brief introduction on AWS services, and top 3 best managed AWS services, and so much more.

Thank you for reading the article, and let us know if we have missed out on any of your favorite points or if your favorite point is already mentioned above via the comments section.

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The post Top 3 Managed AWS Services in 2018 appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

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