
YouTube Views 2018: How to Increase Views On Your YouTube Videos

YouTube Views 2018: How to Increase Views On Your YouTube Videos

With over 1.8 billion monthly active users, YouTube is one of the most popular videos sharing platforms. If you have a YouTube channel and looking to get more views on your YouTube Videos, then this is the right place for you.

Uploading videos on YouTube is not enough to make your channel successful. You want people to watch your videos, which will enable increase your viewership and build trust. However, getting views on your YouTube videos is not easy.

A lot of channels on YouTube get closed after a few months of launching. The reason is simple. They are unable to get views on their videos.

So, if you have a YouTube channel and want to know how to get views on YouTube, then go through the tips below on how to increase views on your YouTube videos.

Buy YouTube Views

This is the first thing that you can do to get more views on your videos especially when you want to get thousands of views within a short amount of time.

You can buy YouTube views from here if you don’t know any website. Just check the package below and start getting views without doing anything else.

Buy YouTube Views

Name the Video File Accurately

Before uploading your video, rename it and add keywords relevant to the video. For example, if you are sharing SEO tricks, then add “SEO tricks” in the name of your video file.

This will let YouTube understand what type of video you have shared and when anyone will search SEO tricks, your video will also be shown on the results list. So, do this before uploading your video.

Add the Same Keyword in the Title

When the upload is complete, there you will find the option to create a title for your video. This is what people will see when your video appears on YouTube.

Create an attractive title that includes your main keyword in it. Make sure, you don’t create a long title for your video. Just keep it short and catchy.

YouTube Title for Videos

Add a Long Description

After adding a title, the next option you will find is to add a description to your video. You need to provide information about the content of the video in the description.

Some YouTube channels are negligent here. They don’t write a meaningful description and just add the keywords in it. This is not a good idea.

Maybe users are not interested to read all your description but YouTube is as it help YouTube to understand the content of your video better and as a result, you will be listed higher in search results and there will be a boost in your YouTube views.

So, don’t go with a short description. Write a long description and add your main keyword and related keywords in it.

YouTube Description

Add tags to Your Videos

After adding the description, you need to add tags for your videos. Tags are also very important if you want to get views on your videos as all users don’t search with a single search term, they use different terms for the same topic.

So, when you have added the main keyword in your title and description, you need to add the keywords that are related to your main keyword in the tags option.

There are many tools that can help you to get keywords that are related to your main keyword. Just use any on them and find the related keywords and add them to your video tags.

YouTube Tags

Create Attractive Thumbnail

A good thumbnail can also get you many views as in the search results. The thumbnail is the small image that appears alongside your title and brief description in the YouTube search result page.

You can only make users click to your video when you have an attractive thumbnail. When creating your thumbnail use fonts that are easy to read as well as use the images that get attention.

Don’t ever try to use false images that have nothing to do with your videos as it will ruin the reputation of your channel. Many channels use the thumbnails that are attractive but when users click on it to watch the video, nothing is found there.

So, in future, they don’t watch the videos of that channel. So, don’t try to fool your audience.

YouTube Thumbnails on YouTube Search Result Page

Target Multiple Countries

You can only make videos in one language so you can only target the users of a particular country who can understand your language. But when you are looking to get more views, you need to target more regions and that you can do only by using the transcript.

If your video is in English and you want subtitles for that so that users can easily understand the difficult terms that you used in your video, then YouTube can help you in that as YouTube can automatically create subtitles for your video in English. But the subtitles created automatically by YouTube may have many mistakes so try to edit them before uploading.

Moreover, if you are targeting the users of different regions who cannot understand English or the language that you used in your video, you can create a transcript file in their language and then you can upload it to your YouTube video.

When done, with a single click on the bottom right corner, users can view the subtitles and can understand your video. So, targeting other regions can also get you more views.

Utilize Cards Feature

Have you ever seen a tab on the top right corner of the video that you are watching? Probably yes as all famous channels do this to take viewers from one video to another.

This is really one of the best ways to get more views on your videos. So, you must try this option especially when you are trying to get more views on a particular video.

Just add the link of the video that has fewer views or any other video using cards option and save your video. You can also set the time of the card like when it will appear and disappear.

This will help you especially when you found that one of your videos are getting more views but users are not watching that to the end.

Just note the time when the user leaves that video and add the card just before that average time duration. So, when users will be thinking to exit your video, they will see a suggestion to other videos and you can take them to the next video.

Feature your Latest Videos

YouTube lets you feature a video on your channel that appears at the tops of your channel. Always feature your latest video as whenever anyone will come to your channel, you can get views on that video easily.

Moreover, users can find that you upload videos regularly and they will be happy to subscribe to your channel to get updates about new videos.

Utilize End Screen Option

This is also a great feature of YouTube that can help you get many views. But it will only work when viewers watch your videos to the end.

So, when your videos are good enough that it is watched to the end, you can add links to your other videos there. When you use this option, chances are very high that viewers will go through the videos that you linked at the end.

So, do use this option and add the links to the videos that are the most popular ones or the ones that have fewer views than other videos.

Utilize End Screen Option

Cover More Things Than Your Competitors

This is one of the best things that you need to do when you really want to get more views. There is a great chance that there are already many videos on YouTube like the one you are trying to make.

So, do check all the videos that are related to yours and note what they have covered and what’s not. So, when you start making, cover more points than your competitors and use the same keywords and tags.

Doing this will not only rank you higher but also will list you in the Suggested videos section of YouTube as YouTube mainly list those videos in that section that are related to each other.

When the autoplay is on, your video will be played automatically after your competitor’s and you can get views from there too. Moreover, when users find that you have covered more things, they will prefer your videos next time they search for anything.

Comment a Lot

As we have discussed above you can find many videos that are similar to your videos. Just search for them and watch them. In the comment section, provide a valuable feedback and also try to answer the question that others asked in the comments of that video.

In addition, while commenting, put the links to your videos where you think it will make sense. So, when the viewers of that channel notice that you know many things about such topics, they will like to watch your videos too. Make sure you don’t post links in all comments as it will not look genuine.

Arrange Videos by Creating Playlists

When you have uploaded many videos on different topics, it is good to create playlists for the videos that are similar to each other.

The reason is simple. Sometimes there could be a particular video that a viewer is searching for in your channel, but without a playlist, they cannot find that video easily and you can lose many views as no one want to waste the time on checking all videos.

On the other hand, if you created playlists for all your videos, users can click on the playlists option and can easily find the video they are looking for.

Share your Videos

Just after uploading a video, do share it on all popular social networks as it can give you many views instantly. Make sure you use attractive captions for your videos as otherwise, no one will be interested in watching it on social media.

You can copy the link of your video and can share on the social networks you want or you can share your video by clicking the share option at the bottom of your video on YouTube.

Moreover, when you have engaging followers on social networks, ask them to like and share your videos. This will surely increase views on your videos.

Share your YouTube Videos

Ask Bloggers to Embed Your Video

There will be many bloggers who write blogs on the topics that your videos cover. Bloggers mostly use images in their blogs so you have a chance to get views from blogs if you offer them your video, they will be happy to embed it on their blog.

So, just reach out bloggers that have content similar to yours and share the link of your video with them and ask them to check and embed it on their blog.

If they find your video interesting enough, they will surely embed it. When it’s done, you will be getting some views from there too.

It is not an easy task to find bloggers in your niche and convince them to embed your video, but if you are really serious about getting views, this can be really very helpful.

Moreover, if you have created awesome videos, no one will deny your request to embed your video.

Get in touch with Influencers

Influencers are people with a huge list of engaging followers. Many businesses have already used influencer marketing to grow their brand.

So, influencers can also help you to get you more views. Just reach out to the influencers and ask them to share your video. It is not a bad idea to pay them for doing so as you will get so many views from there.

But find influencers that have followers that you are targeting as it can get you subscribers too. When they agree to share your video, you will start getting views on your videos.

Also, if the influencers ask their followers to share your video, they will do this happily. So, you can really get many views by doing so.

Find Forum Sites and Share Your Video There

There are a lot of forum sites on different topics. These forum sites can also get you many views as these are mainly used by the people who are looking to get the answer to their problems.

So, find forums that are related to your videos and join them. When joined, check what users want to know and help them in that.

In your answers, post the link to your YouTube video smartly. Make sure to write long answers especially when you are posting a link to your video as it will not look like spam.

Moreover, don’t post links in all your comments as you will get banned. There are many forum sites which don’t allow posting links easily. So, have some patience while doing so.

Share your Videos via Emails

Emails can also get you many views. If you have a list of email subscribers, just create a campaign and send your video to your subscribers.

Create an interesting and eye-catching Subject and write few lines in the description and add the link to your video in the Email. When everything is done nicely, send it to your subscribers.

They will surely watch it. If you don’t have emails data, you can get emails easily. Just run a paid campaign or if you don’t want that simply buy email subscribers.

Buying email subscribers may not be that beneficial as you might buy the data of users who have no interest in your videos, so try to run a paid campaign and get the desired subscribers.

If you have a website, do use pop-ups for an email subscription. Offer them ebooks or any other deal like a coupon code when they subscribe to your email list.

This will encourage them to subscribe. When you have collected emails, start sending your videos in emails. Again, do this smartly.

Get More Subscribers

If you have more subscribers, you will get many views without doing anything else. To get subscribers, ask your viewers to subscribe to your channel so that they can watch your new videos.

Most of the channels use animations that explain how to subscribe. So, just make an animation and upload it at the start of your video.

This will surely get you more subscribers and as a result, you will start getting more views on your new and old videos. Also, do ask them to enable the notifications so that they can get notifications of new videos when you upload them.

You need to create only one animation and just put it in all your videos.

Get More YouTube Subscribers

Get Likes, Comments and Shares on your Videos

Videos that are liked or commented on a lot tends to rank higher than other videos that don’t have such engagements.

So, you need to get likes or comments on your videos, For that, just ask your viewers that if they found your video interesting and helpful, to appreciate your work by giving you a like.

They will surely give you like. To get comments, just put a question or ask them to comment a question if they have any related to that video.

When there is any doubt in viewers mind after watching your video they will surely comment that. So, when you receive comments on your videos, do reply them as it will let other users know that you care for your subscribers or viewers.

Moreover, when your video is related to some tips, ask your users to comment the tip that they found most easy and useful.

This way you can get so many engagement and YouTube will rank it high and you can get more views. Also, do ask your viewers to share your video as it can also help you to get views.

Upload New Videos Regularly

As we have mentioned above, if you have more subscribers, you can get many views. To get subscribers, you need to upload new videos regularly as people will only subscribe to your YouTube channel if they know they will be regularly getting new videos from you.

If you haven’t uploaded for a long time, no one will subscribe your YouTube channel or if they subscribed after watching your videos, will soon unsubscribe if they don’t get new videos from you.

So upload videos regularly. If you upload 1 video every week or two, you can get many subscribers as everyone wants to watch new content.

Reciprocate with Similar Channels

There will be so many channels who share content similar to yours and it is a good idea to increase the views for both channels if they reciprocate the links.

Means, you can reach out to the channels that have similar videos like yours and offer them a link in the description of any of your video.

Let them know that they should also offer one link to your video too from the description of their video. This is great for both the channels as they can get more views easily. So, try this technique to get more views.

Upload Content that Educates or Entertains Users

You can only succeed on YouTube if you provide the solution to the problem of users or if you can entertain them.

Applying all the tips we have mentioned you will surely get views on your videos but it might not be enough. If you are not providing content that is helpful, they will not come back again to your YouTube channel.

So, always upload quality content. This will not only give you more views and engagements but will also give you more subscribers.

Anyone who finds your video helpful, will surely want to watch more YouTube videos from you. So, don’t compromise with the quality of the content that you provide in your videos.


So, these are the best tips that can help you get more views. Apply them all and start getting new subscribers and views.

All methods we mentioned here will not give you views instantly. You have to be patient or if you want more views instantly, just buy the YouTube views from the link we mentioned in this post.

Do remember the last tip we shared as all will work only if you have quality content.

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The post YouTube Views 2018: How to Increase Views On Your YouTube Videos appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

4 Excellent Ways to Make Money from Google Play Store
Make Money from Google Play Store

Number of smartphone users is estimated to touch 2.1 billion mark by 2019, according to various sources. This includes both, Android-based and iPhone users. Between 80 percent and 85 percent of all smartphones sold worldwide are Android-based.

Considering these volumes and projections, one can well imagine the number of apps available on Google Play. These apps range from simple ones that help find a nearby restaurant to complex ones that enable making large investments using only a smartphone connected to the Internet.

Consequently, Google Play holds a lot of opportunities for people who wish to make money. Here we explore four excellent ways to make money from Google Play store, regardless where you are located on Planet Earth.

Making Money from Google Play

Making money from Google Play is possible for anyone that has basic knowledge of how to use smartphone and apps. While some are simple, others are slightly complex.

1. Online Surveys

Online Survey

Google Play offers hundreds of apps from reputed market research companies that operate globally, regionally or within your country.

Topmost among them are Zap Surveys, Google Opinion Rewards, Swagbucks, Survey Monkey & many others. They are free to download.

Once you have downloaded the apps, complete the simple registration by providing your contact and other necessary details.

Completing online surveys with these apps enables you to make money during your spare time. While some market research companies reward you with free shopping vouchers and attractive incentives, others pay cash for the efforts.

They will pay you in American Dollars or local currency, depending upon laws of your country. The money or reward will generally be remitted once you have accumulated specific number of points.

By completing online surveys, you can earn up to US$5 or more daily, depending upon your location, time spent and nature of questions. Generally, online surveys on apps are brief and will take between two and 10 minutes to complete.

This is the surest way to make money using Google Play. Before downloading, verify credentials of the market research company offering the app.  There are several fraudsters who will steal your personal information for their nefarious activities.

Apart from surveys, there are other money making apps on Google Play Store that will help you to make some more cash. You can download these apps, signup there and complete tasks like installing other apps, watching videos etc. and get paid.

2. Create Apps for Google Play Website BuildersCredit: https://unsplash.com/photos/JelL3CneNDY

Another surest way to make money from Google Play is by developing apps for businesses and other organizations.

In 2017, smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices that can connect to the Internet accounted for some US$1.4 trillion from total e-commerce transactions worth US$2.3 trillion worldwide.

By 2021, e-commerce from smartphones and other mobile devices worldwide is projected at US$3.5 trillion.

These astounding figures simply imply that any organization serious about remaining in business needs to offer mobile-based apps that can be accessed by clients and potential customers.

If you are an app developer, this is the right time to offer services to small and large businesses. Design user friendly apps for enterprises that can be launched for downloads on Google Play.

Prime among e-commerce apps are those offering online shopping. The Amazon and eBay app are great examples of e-commerce apps. You can also develop apps that enables people to pay for online shopping or making purchases at brick-and-mortar stores.

Understandably, large corporations will have in-house app developers and will already have apps up and running on Google Play.

However, smaller businesses that are lagging in this sphere can effectively utilize your services for creating a simple, user friendly app for offering through Google Play. This is an excellent and lucrative way to make money from Google Play.

3. Coupon Apps & Advertising


With some effort, you can launch own app on Google Play to offer discount coupons for shopping, dining, transportation and other services.

Of course, you will have to enlist services of an app developer or create one if you possess required skills. Hosting an app on Google Play is fairly easy provided you meet their stringent specifications, privacy and safety standards.

Nowadays, everyone looks for discounts while shopping, eating out, travelling or even booking hotel accommodation, sight-seeing and other services.

You can provide these coupons in collaboration with retailers, stores, boutiques and service providers in your city. Generally, retailers and service providers that want to provide discount coupons are also willing to pay the app owner.

While you make money from these stores by posting your app on Google Play, enterprises that offer coupons will also pay for your services.

You can also seek advertisements from these businesses that can be displayed when someone uses the app. This is how most apps that operate free services operate. They defray their expenses by providing advertising services to small and large businesses.

4. Testing Google Play Apps

Regardless whether you are a software geek or layperson, you can test apps before they get posted on Google Play. Here, companies launching the app will pay you money for testing it and providing honest reviews.

Your feedback helps companies launching a Google Play app to eliminate glitches while adding more features that would be desired by users.

There are several companies including User Zoom, Userlytics, TestingTime and others that pay excellent money for testing websites and mobile apps.

For example, TestingTime pays as high as 50 Euros per test, depending upon the length and complexity of an app. The company claims it calls registered users to test websites and apps at least once a week.

Others are much simpler and will pay between US$5 and US$30 for testing an app and writing a review.

Since these apps are meant for use by laypersons, companies that do not look for reviews from software geeks. Instead, they want honest opinions of common folk and are willing to pay for your efforts.


There are several other legitimate ways to make money from Google Play. One is by downloading apps from Google Play that pay you for testing online games meant for use on smartphones.

Others pay for watching their advertisements and writing reviews. There is no dearth of apps that help you make money from Google Play. Try any of these excellent ways to make money from Google Play store, depending upon skills, time and effort you invest.

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The post 4 Excellent Ways to Make Money from Google Play Store appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Download GBWhatsApp APK for Android for free latest Version

GBWhatsApp App is a MOD of ceremonial WhatsApp which has more characteristics than any other whatsapp. It is also beneficial for peoples who desire to use 2 Whatsapp accounts on one android smartphone.

GBWhatsApp is a modded genre of the native WhatsApp application. It gives you so many additional characteristics above what WhatsApp offers.

Many at times for those of us carrying two or more SIM cards that still has some of our foremost contact we will like to reach out to on dissimilar channels and yet not able to because of SIM storage limitation.

This also limits your Whatsapp  contacts, but you can now breath a sigh of calmness with the advanced GB WHATSAPP that enables have 2 Whatsapp accounts on one android smartphone by entering the two numbers on dissimilar Whatsapp (the conventional Whatsapp and this advanced one lacking the signature fallacy or application fallacy).

GBWhatsApp Mod is raised on the new genre of the WhatsApp and permit you to run 2 WhatsApp at the same time. It also accommodates many mod characteristics.

Features Of Gb Whatsapp App

GBWhatsApp comes with all the characteristics Of ceremonial WhatsApp, so I Will  Only Share the additional characteristics of GBWhatsApp.

It comes other features that you are going to love like Hiding Blue Tick, Online Status For Specific Contacts, hiding last seen and many more features.

There are so many exciting features that you will find after Installing this application.

Here are of some of the top characteristics Of GBWA that you can relish:

Constructed or based on the ceremonial & latest genre (version) of WhatsApp. Message auto reply characteristics – now you can reply to your friends and contacts automatically if you are busy doing something. They have added some advance styles of chat bubbles or blue ticks. Added some advance groups characteristics for group admins. Inbuilt DND characteristics – you can indispose internet for WhatsApp only. Capability to abrogate many WhatsApp messages at once. Message planner Inbuilt – Now you can plan WhatsApp messages You can Hide View and Status Privacy. Added choice/option for save status, hiding chats. New Emojis have Added. Video Calling characteristics is now working. You can Send Videos Up to 50 MB. And you can Set Group name up to 35 letters. Stable different Bugs while sending videos. You can hide your last seen,no one will be able to see your last active time,you can hide Blue ticks, Second tick, typing status too. Make transmit up to six hundred people. You can put status of two hundred and fifty five characters at the place of one hundred and thirty nine characters without any problems About hundred+ language reinforce Change theme speedily by going into theme alternative Mod to stay online for always,like 24 hours Usable with ceremonial as brace WhatsApp No ban problems Make your WhatsApp theme and give it to GBWhatsApp Send up to ninety images in one click at the place of ten pictures Capability to duplicate stipulated text of WhatsApp You can also add lock on your WhatsApp application without installing any other software in your device You can also replace the application picture or icon and notification icon. You can Block calls for Specific person. You can Send Gif Images with this application , defuse voice calling if you desire. Selfie Flash is also added. Did you know what WhatsApp’s mission was?

It is to replace SMS with WhatsApp and they have done it. These days we do not usually use SMS we use WhatsApp for sharing messages as it is more compatible and  faster than SMS.

But If you aren’t much pleased with the features of WhatsApp  then you can use gbwhatsapp for trial . In my opinion It is a really nice and must use  app.

DOWNLOAD GBWHATSAPP APP Download the apk file. Go to your phone settings and change the security settings as Gbwhatsapp can’t be downloaded from the app store. Go to the settings then security. Tap on “unknown resources” i.e enable your android device to download the apps other than the apps from google play

Literally this app  is the upgraded version of WhatsApp with different and new features that WhatsApp does not have.

Gbwhatsapp is a upgraded version of WhatsApp by Gbmods. Gbmods added some new  features like exchanging themes that WhatsApp does not have. The features are like exchanging themes,etc. This app is only for the Android users.

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The post Download GBWhatsApp APK for Android for free latest Version appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Should I Use a Case on My Phone?
Leather Phone Case

Bought a new phone? Are you confused about whether I should use a case on my phone or not? Many smartphone users, like you, consider many times whether to use case on their phone or not.

Among all electronic devices, the smartphone has grown tremendously popular worldwide even beyond devices like computers or laptops.

The reason is obvious, smartphones has enough capability to handle tasks that a couple of years ago were exclusive reserves of the computer. It is like a mini computer that is easy to carry.

So, answering the question should you use a case on your phone or not can’t be explained in one word. There are both pros as well as cons to using a case on the phone.

One can’t deny its advantages and on the other hand, cons also.

Let’s explore the case benefits and disadvantages for mobile phone in detail.

Why use a case on the phone?

Phone Case with Lens Addon for Camera

All the reasons to use a case on your phone are related to your its protection. With case, you can protect your phone in various situations.

1) Protection from Drop:

This is one of the primary reasons why you should use phone cases on the phone. You can’t always protect your phone from dropping.

Sometimes, you accidentally drop your phone, and in this case, your phone will be protected from damage if your phone has a case.

We can’t say that phone case can protect your cell phone entirely from broken or scratch in case of a severe drop, but yes, you can minimize the chance of its damaging after a drop.

In the market or online store, you can buy different kinds of phone cases depending on their protection level, especially for your phone model.

Moreover, no matter whether you own an Android Phone or an iPhone, you will be able to find the best case for your phone.

For any model of your phone, there will be a wide variety of phone cases to choose from. These days, you can even get the latest phone model case easily.

2) Provide a Grip:

Phone Case Gives Grip

Undoubtedly, a case provides grip for a phone, and you can handle your phone well with the case. Thus, for people with very slim phone, a phone case could prove very beneficial.

With phone case, you can comfortably hold your phone. Moreover, it also becomes also easy to find. There are some phone cases which provide a better grip.

Therefore, it depends on what kind of phone case you prefer to buy. Today, leather phone cases are in trend, and the best part of using Leather Repair kit, you can also repair your leather case instead of buying a new case.

3) Keep Resale Value:

Phone with the case is more protected as compared to the phone without a case.

When you want to resell your phone, the resale value of your depends on its usage or how much damage to your phone. More damage means less value and less damage means merely more value.

As we said earlier, you can protect your phone from damage or scratch if it has a case. Thus, you are also protecting its resale value with the case.

Moreover, you can prefer quality case rather than going to buy a cheap case for maintaining your phone resale value. With cheap case, you can currently save your money, but you may lose your phone resale value completely.

4) Long-Term Usage:

If you want to have your phone for a long duration of time then a case on your phone is the best way to increase your phone usage.

People who are buying expensive phones, should use case on their phone to protect it from damage.

Now, there are a lot of beautiful and eye-catching phone cases that can match your style. Today, most people use phone cases to give a great look to their phone along with protecting it.

Why not to use a Case on your Phone?

Now, you know phone case benefits, but it also has cons and reasons why people don’t like to use a case on their phone.

1) Case Make Phone Heavy:

The first con of using a case on your phone is that it makes your phone bulky. No doubt, it provides grip on the phone, but it also makes it difficult for some people to handle and carry in a pocket.

Especially, silicone cases provide a huge bulk to the simple phone. Moreover, some cases also destroy phone’s look.

Thus, if you are one of those people who doesn’t want to make their phone look unnatural, then phone case is not made for you.

2) Case Don’t Protect from Every Drop:

Yes, it is true that phone case can’t protect your phone from every drop. It just reduces the chances of your phone damaging.

In case of a severe fall, phone case also can’t do anything to protect your mobile phone. It is your luck when your phone doesn’t get damaged after a fall from a high height.

Thus, if you think you can protect your phone from every type of drop, then you are wrong. Phone case just protects phone better as compared to the phone without a case.

3) Case Can Overheat Phone:

Yes, it is also true that using a case has the capability of overheating your phone, which can damage your phone.

With overheating, many problems can occur with a case on your phone. The case on the phone can also create a hole in your pocket due to overheating.

Therefore, you can damage your expensive phone because of the inexpensive case as compared to phone cost.

Hence, phone case benefits can overcome its cons and its cons can also overwhelm its benefits.

Thus, if you don’t want to use case on the phone, then you can have other alternatives to a case such as a screen guard that are not just for screen protection, but also for phone back protection.

However, if you want to use case on the phone then prefer leather phone case as you can use Leather repair kit to repair your leather case if it needs any rejuvenation.

Author Bio

David Williams

He is the content developer and freelance writer. He writes a lot of article on his carrier.

Last one year he is working with GearSpie.Com as a content developer and a writer.

He has a expertise on writing an article on various types of online tutorial.

He also wants to promote such kind of work to develop the skill.

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The post Should I Use a Case on My Phone? appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

Things you need to know about 123movies4u

For folks who don’t know about 123movies4u, 123movies4u is an online free streaming site where you can watch movies, TV shows et cetera for absolutely free.

123movies4u provide it’s users the ability to stream latest movies in high definition (HD) and also to download them.

Users of 123movies4u can do all this without any hectic registration process which involves signing up for the site and then verifying their account etc. They can directly visit the site and can choose the movie they want to watch online or download.

Users can watch all the popular web series of Netflix or other streaming services very easily in their preferred resolution. All one needs is only a good internet connection.

123movies4u (know about it’s alternatives in the article ‘123movies4u by Tapscape’) also provides its registered users an option to request the movies they want to watch or download from them, so that, they can upload them on their site for the users to watch.

Users can request any TV series or show or any movie they want to see or download and after a while, 123movies will upload that stuff on their site for their visitors to stream.

Is it Safe to Watch Movies on 123movies4u?

You will find many articles on the internet stating that it is not safe to watch movies on free streaming sites. In untrusted or less known free movie streaming sites, there is a very high chance that your device will get infected by malicious codes running in the background.

You can also read review about 123movies4u by Tapscape on their site, they had also discussed the same issue and justified that it’s safe to watch movies on 123movies4u.

There are many risks involved with visiting a site equipped with malicious JavaScript files. Those malicious JavaScript files install dangerous software like a RAT or other malware which can either steal your sensitive information like your social networking site’s credentials, your email account passwords, your bank or credit card details et cetera.

It is not required to explain how much it can affect you. By visiting such sites, they can also run unwanted advertising campaigns and can hang your device by eating it’s RAM causing it to crash.

But, this is not the case with 123movies4u. We have scanned the 123movies4u on the Virustotal URL scan and it had cleared all the safety tests. So, we can surely say that it is absolutely safe to watch or download movies from 123movies4u.

123movies4u Alternatives:

In an article on 123movies4u by Tapscape, they had suggested 10 alternative sites like 123movies4u which users can find equally or nearly as useful as 123movie4u.

In this article on 123movies4u by Tapscape, they had analyzed all the ten sites and had mentioned the key points about them.

We summarize it for you in a few words so that the busy folks can have the descriptive knowledge about the article.

#1. The first site that they had mentioned is SolarMovie. SolarMovie is top in their list because SolarMovie provides an easy user interface to its site visitors and their accurate search results. They also had a ‘You may also like’ section in which users can find the similar content they are looking for.

#2. The second site in their list is GOMovies 2.0. The users can find movies or TV shows which are trending in specific to a country. They can also look for the content on top IMDB genre. It is faster in video loading and server caching as compared to 123movies4u.

#3. The third site in their list is Fmovies. It provides more video picture quality as compared to the 123movies4u. They also provide a section where users can interact with each other and can discuss various content or topics.

#4. The fourth site in their site is Yesmovies. This site also has a news section along with the online streaming service which adds another layer of entertainment for its users. The users have the ability to switch to dark mode, slow down or speed up the playback rate in the video player.

#5. The fifth site in their list is AZMovies. They had categorized all their stuff in a very good sequence so that users can find it easy to navigate through their content.

#6. The sixth site is Putlockers. Putlockers have very powerful servers which provide users very less buffering time so that they can enjoy their content seamlessly.

#7. The seventh site is MovieGo. Moviego can be a very good choice for the ones who want to want premium subscription-based TV shows and movies without paying even a single penny. They provide their content in Blu-ray, IMAX 3D et cetera sections.

#8. The eighth site is SeeHD. It is very well optimized for desktop and mobile viewing.

#9. The ninth site is 123Movies. It provides nearly the same service as that of 123movies4u. It provides the options to view captions.

#10. The number ten site is Deep Movie. It has a very huge library of online streaming content. It provides the same quality as of Netflix and of movies in cinemas.

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The post Things you need to know about 123movies4u appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

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